An interesting novel — sweet and hopeful
An interesting novel — sweet and hopeful
Not loving this at around 20%. I‘m definitely considering bailing. I got it from a list of books that are like Eleanor Oliphant. The rec said quirky characters which this definitely has but I thought Eleanor was a loveable character and not finding that here.
I don‘t usually track my DNFs but I think I might this year. Do you track your bails? Do they count for your challenges?
This is an enjoyable read. Ellie is perfectly happy with her life, when suddenly she is given a surprising gift! Enter Dan in her life, who gives her a harp. He is the harpmarker. Now both their lifes will change!
#BookShelfAwareness #AdultsWithAutism
Ellie doesn't realize until much to late in her marriage how bad it is. It's not until she stumbles into a workshop and befriends Dan who owns and resides the Harp Barn. Unable to "become more" within her marriage she retreats to the Harp Barn to practice her music. The chain of events are easy to predict but the characters are wonderful. Not said but assumed Dan is a high-functioning autistic adult.
Ellie stumbles across a harp maker in Exmoor and they develop a friendship despite hardship and quirks. This was a sweet read and seems to be inspired by real harps and harpmakers and Exmoor as a place!
This came out August 6 and I had a review copy from the publisher through netgalley but I got behind. This is a cozy read that was a nice balm after a stressful weekend.
Ellie is like the friend who makes the same mistakes over and over again, is oblivious to reality, and makes you so angry that you could hurl. But yet, you stick around anyway, understanding why she is the way she is, or makes the decisions she makes, and you keep on hoping she will make the right one... the best one... for her. Haven‘t we all felt this way about a friend before? Or maybe even about ourselves? (Rest of review in comments)
“Doctors and dentists minister to our physical needs. Prime ministers minister to our political needs. Plumbers minister unto taps. But harp players (and indeed all musicians) minister unto something else.
The something else is much deeper than the bits we can see, but far more important. In my opinion, music ministers to the real person that hides inside the person-shell.” #booksbrewsandbooze #ellieandtheharpmaker #hazelprior
I read many books where a quirky MC, lovable or ornery, is presented their chance for love or friendship. Many times this genre is a sweet pick for me.
Parts of this story seemed disjointed and Ellie‘s dishonesty garnered no interest in me seeing her become a champion for Dan. This one is just barely a pick for me, and I might edit to a so-so as I give it more thought.
I‘m really really struggling with this #arc. Anyone else??? It‘s just very boring and I‘m not at all engaged in the characters.
Yay! #BookMail waiting for me after a long day. I‘m really looking forward to this one! 💚💙💚
Book number 2 complete for #24b4monday with just about 6 hours down (my stopwatch is about 30 minutes behind.). This book was a sweet story. I was however continually frustrated with the way most of the characters acted. Everyone was lying to each other! I had seen it compared to the likes of A Man Called Ove and Eleanor Oliphant and it wasn‘t at that level to me at all, but I did enjoy it for what it was.