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Dead Man's Footsteps (Revised)
Dead Man's Footsteps (Revised) | Peter James
7 posts | 12 read | 3 to read
Amid the tragic unfolding mayhem of the morning of 9/11, failed Brighton businessman and ne'er-do-well Ronnie Wilson sees the chance of a lifeline: to shed his debts, disappear and reinvent himself in another country. Six years later the discovery of the skeletal remains of a woman's body in a storm drain in Brighton leads Detective Superintendent Roy Grace on an enquiry spanning the globe, and into a desperate race against time to save the life of a woman being hunted down like an animal in the streets and alleys of Brighton.
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Dead Man's Footsteps | Peter James
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This was a tough #SeriesRead2021. The storyline was great with multiple layers to the mystery BUT the early chapters were an emotional struggle for me. Contains very detailed, graphic depictions of lower Manhattan on 9/11. Ends on a cracker of a cliffhanger so I‘m sure I‘ll be picking up #5 sooner rather than later.

TheSpineView Great job! 👍📖📚 3y
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Dead Man's Footsteps | Peter James
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Maybe it‘s me, but this just didn‘t warm my heart in any way. Did not hit home. I‘ve loved the first three in the series. I have a soft spot for Brighton which helps! A man fakes his death in the turmoil of 9/11. His wife gets compensation and insurance money. A few women are found dead. An older woman has been kidnapped. Roy and his team are hard on the case. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Dead Man's Footsteps | Peter James
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Just picked up this book and I so want to read it. On my way to my friend‘s big bday party. Is it rude to read it there??? 🤣

Branwen I read at parties all the time! 😂 It's probably rude, but it's also the only way I can survive social situations! 😅 5y
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This novel just makes your mind turn in every direction and keeps you guessing as to what is going to happen next, it is set into different perspectives and different times, nicely sectioned by chapters making it a lot easier to remember which character is being the narrator and also makes it easier if you need to put the book down (if you can) to get to end of the chapter and not be confused when you next pick up the book.

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This is #4 in the Roy Grace series.I was a little concerned since it involved 9/11 , he caught the horror of it without disrespecting the heroes or the victims.His ability to weave threads of the story together is very good.Love getting to know the reoccurring players in Roy‘s world.

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#AnglophileApril This is the next Peter James on my list to read, and as with all mysteries, you read a few pages and #AnotherOneBitesTheDust

Cinfhen I like the background ~ pretty photo 5y
Leftcoastzen @Cinfhen Thanks,That‘s my yoga mat.🧘‍♀️ 5y
Cinfhen Ha!! I love it!!! So pretty🥰 5y
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Dead Man's Footsteps | Peter James
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I‘m sure there are many that will enjoy this storytelling, but it wasn‘t really for me. The plot was a bit slow, and most of the twists could be seen coming. I didn‘t really engage with any of the characters, and the relationships between them were a bit superficial. Who buys a puppy without telling their partner? There was a bit of a cliffhanger at the end but it‘s not going to drag me back for another visit.