A very good inside into Putin‘s Russia. I do wish Peter Baker and Susan Glasser would release an updated version/sequel
A very good inside into Putin‘s Russia. I do wish Peter Baker and Susan Glasser would release an updated version/sequel
Literally took an entire paragraph for this one, but I think it‘s important. This quote reminds me of the Handmaid‘s Tale.
Discussion question
Firing the prime minister definitely adds an element of drama. #kremlinrising #peterbaker #susanglasser #russia #election #electionculture #drama #russianhistory #comparativepolitics #history #politicalscience #worldhistory #europeanhistory
The end of Yeltsin. The beginning of Putin.
Following up from my latest quote...
My discussion question that goes along with the previous post
I have an Instagram and Twitter blog called the_royal_presidency where I basically teach history on the Internet. Here‘s our discussion question for the night. Feel free to answer.