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Do Over: Rescue Monday, Reinvent Your Work, and Never Get Stuck
Do Over: Rescue Monday, Reinvent Your Work, and Never Get Stuck | Jon Acuff
8 posts | 10 read | 10 to read
It took me sixteen years to write this book. That breaks down to a brisk twelve words per day. But it wasn t the writing that took so long. . . . It was the working.I had to work at big companies and small companies. I had to get hired and fired several times. I had to find my dream job, then walk away from it. But after all that, I can now say the following with absolute certainty: You already have everything you need for an amazing career. In fact, you ve had it since day one.Starting on the first day you got paid to scoop ice cream or restock shelves, you ve had the chance to develop the four elements all great careers have in common: relationships, skills, character, and hustle. You already have each of those, to one degree or another.Now it s time to amplify them and apply them in a new way, creating a Career Savings Account . This unique approach will give you the power to call a Do Over whether you re twenty-two, forty-two, or sixty-two. You ll have the resources to reinvent your work and get unstuck. You ll even rescue your Mondays as you discover how to work toward the job you ve always wanted!Just as a bank account protects you during a financial crunch, a Career Savings Account protects you during a career crunch. You need a CSA because you ll eventually face at least one of these major transitions: You will hit a Career Ceiling and get stuck, requiring sharp skills to free yourself. You will experience a Career Bump and unexpectedly lose your job, requiring strong relationships to survive. You will make a Career Jump to a new role, requiring solid character to push through uncertainty and chaos. You will get a surprise Career Opportunity, requiring dedicated hustle to take advantage of it. It took me sixteen years to figure out how to call a Do Over on my career. Please don t wait sixteen more seconds before starting yours."
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Leftovers & more reading!

Lcsmcat Leftovers are the best part of Thanksgiving! 3y
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Perfect for anyone facing a career change. I decided to pick it up after our company was bought out, and it helped me feel grounded and more in control. The exercises were especially helpful in that and worth pausing the audiobook to do them.

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I‘ve been listening to Do Over in the car and so far it‘s an interesting read. I‘ve been reading all kinds of business and self-improvement books for about a year now but I don‘t usually finish them. Once I get the gist of it, I move on. However, I doubt that I‘ll do that with audiobooks. I may actually finish this one. It‘s actually turning out to be a good listen. 👍🏼

Millesent John acuff is great! And coincidentally… He has a book called… Wait for it… Finish! 5y
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Fantastic overview on how to make your dream a reality. Inspirational & motivational in practical ways.

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2017 #79 self help audio I think this should be the go to gift for any graduate. It isn't that amazing but how Acuff sets it up makes common sense tangible. Yes don't burn bridges is a given but how to maintain those bridges is put in a context that makes sense. Weirdly timely and good for any stage of the employment game.

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Well, I posted earlier today, never thinking that I'd finish another book before the day was over! Updated January stats! #blameLitsy

britt_brooke I keep thinking I'm going up finish one more before the day is over .... we'll see! 7y
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#somethingforsept #nonfictionlove A book written by a very funny guy who had a dream, wasn't living the dream, and did everything it took to live the dream. This book works for career, health, physical activity, you name name.

Zelma Sounds like just what I need! 8y
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