First book of The Frey Saga is free on kindle at the moment. Definitely a #blamelitsy, specifically @TheOtherMother! It sounds right up my street so looking forward to starting it once I've cleared my currently reading pile.
First book of The Frey Saga is free on kindle at the moment. Definitely a #blamelitsy, specifically @TheOtherMother! It sounds right up my street so looking forward to starting it once I've cleared my currently reading pile.
Onwards. My toddler is asleep so time to read some more Frey. (🙌joys of doing all the chores in a morning 🙌) I'm throughly enjoying it. I'm even opening up to the characters better third time around✊️ I mean, I liked them anyway but you know, I'm starting to love them. Even Ruby. #epicreads #fantasy #booklover #bibliophile #melissawright #readingbuddies
Oh! Why, yes, yes this is Frey book one by the lovely @MelissaWright 💁🏼 And yes, I am rereading for the second time in three weeks. This is for two reasons. One being that I love this author and her Frey saga is probably my favourite of her books (maybe Shattered Relams is really close though!) the other reason being, my dumb postal service has lost the two book hauls I ordered last week. Lost. Two. Orders! 😕 #epicreads #fantasy #booklover
So, this reread has led me to a 4 ⭐️ rating for this lovely book. The world building is wonderful and the characters are lovable and fun to follow, but the characters are slightly annoying and Frey doesn't seem (in book 1 at least) to have any backbone or stand up qualities which deters me from her as a heroine. She should be stronger willed imo. Otherwise, I do recommend it! 🖤#epicreads #bibliophile #fantasy #booklover #books #melissawright
I'm currently reading Frey by @MelissaWright and I am enjoying it much more than I did the first time. I really find Ruby an annoying and obnoxious little beast and Frey can be dim witted at times but generally I find the characters wonderful. The world is magical. I do recommend it. #epicreads #bibliophile #fantasy #books #booklover
This book had potential but was lacking in character growth. Frey never seemed to change and seemed to repeat mistakes.
Just a regular Saturday, driving around with my bonsai tree...
Soon it will be reading time! 🎉🎉🎉