The world is going to hell in a handbasket it seems. I was raised working my grandmother's garden. Time to get back to it and grow my own.
The world is going to hell in a handbasket it seems. I was raised working my grandmother's garden. Time to get back to it and grow my own.
Does anyone out there have a bread recipe book they would recommend? I've just been using the extremely basic recipe in the tagged book - good, but I'm interested in expanding somewhat. However, I am not interested in fancy gourmet breads, which seems to be to focus of a lot of bread cookbooks!!
Here's today's loaf in the process of its second rise!
Yay!! New book and garden planner! 😊📚🌱
Continuing my daydreaming with this book, I just enjoy flipping through and looking at the different sections. It covers a lot of topics like cheesemaking, making vinegars, wine, and canning. About half of the book covers gardening, such as developing a small orchard or herb garden. It also gives an overview about having chickens, goats, sheep, cows, ducks 🦆 , geese, pigs 🐷 , rabbits 🐇 and bees. 🐝
I‘d like to keep 🐓, 🐐, 🐑 and 🐝 😀
I‘ve been really sick for the last few days and haven‘t been able to read, but I️ am able to daydream about having a few acres with critters, all from my bed in my studio apartment in NYC.
This book is packed full with practical information about the care of animals and different breeds. It also goes into some of the difficulties. For instance, I‘ll end up with a lot of pet chickens 🐓 since they only lay eggs for a few years.
This is one of my favorite spots to read although I don't get to spend nearly as much time here as I would like. #backyard #sizzlinsummerbooks @Tiffy_Reads
So I #wannabe a backyard homesteader someday - but I've come to realize I simply won't be able to do that, at least on the east coast. The heat and humidity just saps my already lacking energy, and being hypothyroid makes me much less able to compensate for the temperatures. I still dream and read about it, though! #90sinjuly