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Divine Comedy: the Inferno
Divine Comedy: the Inferno | Dante Alighieri
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Divine Comedy: the Inferno | Dante Alighieri
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Canto 14: The Violent, in the Rain of Fire

Dante has a wickedly tortured imagination. Canto 13 about suicide is worse and violates my enlightened, compassionate sensibilities.

quietlycuriouskate The stunted, contorted trees flung about and rooted just anywhere: am I right? It makes me wince! 😖 7y
Tamra @River_Voice yes! And Dore‘s illustration is appropriately awful. 7y
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Divine Comedy: the Inferno | Dante Alighieri
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I see my tea companions are a tad incongruent with Dante this morning.

Canto 9: Megaera, Tisiphone, & Alecto

batsy 😁 7y
MargoCatts 😂 7y
MaureenMc That mug!! 😍😍😍 I needs it! 7y
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Tamra @MaureenMc it‘s super cute and my daughter‘s. 🤗 I was in the mood for Pigge & Gerald this morning. 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 I read this way back in high school. Time for a re-read because after 20 years I remember nothing. 🙁 Great mug! Love Mo! ❤️❤️ 7y
minkyb On Book Depository now! 7y
Tamra @ForeverNerdy I haven‘t ever read it and wow, it‘s amazing! As always, has to be the right book at the right time. 7y
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Divine Comedy: the Inferno | Dante Alighieri
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Canto 5 The damned souls of lovers Paolo & Francesca.

Divine Comedy: the Inferno | Dante Alighieri
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EvieBee Quite dark! 7y
quietlycuriouskate I guess I know where I'm headed, then. 😩 7y
Tamra @River_Voice no worries, it‘s a work of fiction. 😉 7y
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Divine Comedy: the Inferno | Dante Alighieri
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“Midway upon the journey of our life
I found that I was in a dusky wood;
For the right path, whence I had strayed, was lost.”

Loving it! Doré‘s engravings are incredibly detailed.

Libby1 You‘re right. This engraving is beautiful. 7y
batsy Wow, I love it 7y
Christine11 That‘s gorgeous! 7y
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MiyakoBunny Gustave Dore is just brilliant 🖤🖤🖤 7y
Tamra @MiyakoBunny I knew nothing about him until I began looking for editions of The Inferno. So glad for the discovery. Now I need to learn more about him. 7y
pilardib His poe illustrations are just as beautiful 😍 7y
Tamra @pilardib I‘m going to have to check them out. Thanks for mentioning! 7y
kspenmoll Beautiful illustrations. 7y
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Divine Comedy: the Inferno | Dante Alighieri
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I‘ve been looking for a Dore illustrated copy of The Inferno and yesterday I found a 1948 edition of the entire Divine Comedy. Yay, jackpot! Then this morning I sat down with it and went down a Google rabbit hole after finding a 1967 check-out card and library stamp. Turns out this book is from the 2nd “insane asylum” built in MN 1879-1983. Pic is of women in that library circa 1930. Has the typical disturbing treatment history.

Sic_Corneille I love how you can make such discoveries with second hand books 7y
Leftcoastzen I always find it fascinating that some used books we find have a unique history 7y
squirrelbrain Gosh, how amazing to discover such a history.... 7y
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batsy Oh wow... 7y
drokka That books has its own story to tell. 7y
mrp27 Wow! Great find and incredible history. 7y
Zelma Wow, that is very interesting! 7y
TNbookworm Wow! Very interesting! 7y
effinprincess How cool is that!?! Great find! 7y
BookMaven407 Wow! Great find! 7y
BluestockingDuchess Very neat find 7y
DivineDiana Fantastic! Where did you find it? 7y
Tamra @DivineDiana at our local second hand bookshop. 👌🏾 Lucky find. It doesn‘t contain all of Dore‘s plates, but there is one every other page. (edited) 7y
DivineDiana @Tamra A treasure! 👏🏻📚👏🏻 7y
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Divine Comedy: the Inferno | Dante Alighieri
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Divine Comedy: the Inferno | Dante Alighieri
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Great work of art by Italian artist Sabrina Mezzaqui in Museum Voorlinden in The Hague.

rockpools That looks amazing! 7y
QuintusMarcus That is very cool! 7y
Zelma Wow, that is really cool! 7y
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Divine Comedy: the Inferno | Dante Alighieri
