1. Yes 2. Mostly fiction (70%) 3. History of stuff (homes, beer, tea trade, hair care, politics, social movements, etc) 4. H is for Hawk 5. Tagged
Light read with tons of information. Information on the hair industry was really interesting. Enjoyed this one.
#blackhair #blackhistory #lifelonglearner
Loving the history in this so far. Some stuff I was familiar with, but picking up some new info.
#lifelonglearner #hair #blackhair #africanamericanhistory
I used to read just one book at a time, now I have multiples going. Of course, more digital holds just came in also.
#readinghabits #hoopla #overdrive #libby #readharder
Well, this wraps up my February! I was well aware of a lot of the history of black hair but I was not at all aware of the information provided about the hair care industry. I found this book fascinating. It's a light read with a lot of heavy implications. A novice to black hair would learn quite a lot about the different facets of black hair, it's history and the changes in implications over generations! And there is an Adichie interview!!!!
"We found our Black beauty and the pride to go with it."
"Black is beautiful."
"There existed neither a public nor a private forum where Black Hair was celebrated in America."
Listen. Let me tell you how deep this resonates! When we are told from a young hair that our hair is nappy, told our hair is difficult, told it needs to be changed. This stuff still resonates! And it all needs to be unlearned in all communities! But this is where it originates.
I am starting this right now while I sit in two plastic conditioning caps letting my deep conditioner soak into my hair. I could tell you stories about the evolution of my own personal hair styles, wash routines, trips to the beauty salon for hours in a chair. My own experiences with hair are why I wanted to read this book so badly. Black hair and the imagery and perceptions that go along with it are topics that will always be timely and relevant.
As mundane as it may sound, Hair Story gives an in-depth account of black hair from slavery up to 2014, when the new edition was released. Great resource for understanding the racial disparities black people face when dealing with hair and where we as a culture are today. It was really fun tracing my own hair trends against the bigger workings of the beauty industry.
Pineapple juice. Coconut rum. One chapter to go.
I'm loving this book. But I had to take a break from reading and do some hair. #unflatteringphoto #reallifemom