⭐️⭐️⭐️ My first @SerialReader in too long. I like the small bites format. It always takes me some time to adjust to Poe‘s language/style; I enjoyed seeing the mystery unfold to its unexpected conclusion.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ My first @SerialReader in too long. I like the small bites format. It always takes me some time to adjust to Poe‘s language/style; I enjoyed seeing the mystery unfold to its unexpected conclusion.
Forgot to take a pic, but I watched Saw for the first time last night as a check off my horror movie list for the month. Also wrapped up the night reading Murders in the Rue Morgue. Having a good time for #teamharkness and #scarathon2020 / #screamthon.
@StayCurious @4thhouseontheleft
Vier Geschichten, jede anders, jede besonders. Besonders die Dupin-Geschichten haben mir gut gefallen. Gibt demnächst bestimmt nochmal was zu lesen. 😍
Four stories, all different ,all special. I liked the Dupin stories very much. Someday I will read another Poe. 😍
Bücher waren freilich sein einziger Luxus, und in Paris sind diese leicht zu bekommen. 😍📚
Books were certainly his only extravagance, and in Paris easy to get. 😍📚
Der Sonntag ist gerettet. 😂 Weiter geht es mit #LitsyAtoZ. 😉 Habe noch nichts von Poe gelesen, wie findet ihr ihn?
Sunday is saved. 😂 #LitsyAtoZ is going on. 😉 I haven't already read something of Poe, how do you like him?
And some more class reading, this time a short story in this beautiful yet frightening collection of Poe's work. 👍