I am loving this collection of short stories 💛
I am loving this collection of short stories 💛
This! Dare you to read just one...Not a dip in one story at a time collection. Read one and the next thing I knew it was 2am and the book was done. Freaking fabulous.
1. Veggie samosas
2. “Shrill: Notes from a Loud Woman” by Lindy West (non-fic, audio), “At the Mouth of the River of Bees” by Kij Johnson (short stories), & “White Oleander” by Janet Fitch (fiction)
3. Read more poetry & classic children‘s lit.
4. Get (& stay) politically woke. Get healthy (this will mean different things throughout the year but firstly, it means find doctors (& a dentist!) & finally make some appointments)
5. 🙌🏻
40 books for $20.00 from Small Beer Press? TAKE MY MONEY! https://t.e2ma.net/click/cajht/ks6h64/gdclfd
I enjoyed some of these stories ("The Man Who Bridged the Mist", "At the Mouth of the River of Bees", Names for Water", "26 Monkeys, Also the Abyss") more than I did others ("Spar", "Ponies"). In fact, its safe to say that I LOVED "The Man Who Bridged the Mist" -- and I can't say that I HATED any of her stories (as disturbing & upsetting as "Spar" is).
This is a literary, beautiful, thoughtful, weird collection. I'll seek out more by Kij.
"But it was an inadequate metaphor. People were like this, but they were all the other things as well."
"'If [Death] comes for you?' he said. 'Would you be so sanguine then?' She laughed and the pensiveness was gone. 'No indeed. I will curse the stars and go down fighting. But it will still have been a wonderful thing, to cross the mist.'"
Hosted a short stories book club yesterday with a few of my closest friends. 🤓🐝📖🌷
"Black against sun-gold and dust-white, they [the bees] inscribe intricate calligraphy in the air. Linna cannot read their messages."
"Old skills come back easily when the past is eternally now."
"The cell phone is a shell held to her ear, and she knows with the logic of dreams or exhaustion that it is water she hears: surf rolling against a beach, an ocean perhaps. No one talks or breathes into the phone because it is the water itself that speaks to her."
For my #wcw, I highly recommend Kij Johnson's short science fiction stories. When I read short stories in collections, I don't always register the author, but when I read "26 Monkeys, Also The Abyss," I looked the author up, and realized she wrote a bunch of great stories I knew but didn't connect.