Book mail this morning!
Has anyone read this?
#scifi #blackhole
Book mail this morning!
Has anyone read this?
#scifi #blackhole
I just don‘t get it. I have no idea what I just read. Anyone love this book and want to help me out? Maybe I need to reread it? I don‘t know 🤷🏻♀️
From the back cover: "As She Climbed Across the Table is the best boy-meets-girl-meets-void story ever written." This one line -- this is why I wanted to read this book.
I mentioned to @Liberty that I hadn't read anything by Lethem so she lent this to me. Mind-blown! So sad and mind-bendy - another book I have to own so I can re-read it at my leisure.
As I hurtled toward her, carving shortcuts across the grass, violating the grid of concrete walkways, my heart was light. I was in orbit around Alice. I was a fizzy, spinning particle. I wanted to penetrate her field, see myself caught in her science gaze. Her Paradigm Eyes.
It's #FunFridayPhoto time! Today's photo: Favorite books set at a college! Mine is THE SECRET HISTORY, easy, but I also really love this early Lethem. It's your typical boy meets girl, boy gets girl, boy loses girl to a void in space story. 😉