A seriously underrated fantasy series.
Remembering Your Towel for Douglas Adams by Me. https://geeklyinc.com/remembering-your-towel-for-douglas-adams/
"I never thought to be disdained by a tree," might be my favorite sentence from this book.
Zelda and the Switch cake out so that kind of took over my March but now i'm back in it and trying to read all of Robin Hobb's Elderling boois this year.
I think these books have gotten better with each one and Delilah Bard has become a much more fulky realized character since A Darker Shade of Magic.
I really enjoyed Norse Mythology, but wished there was more. I reviewed it for GeeklyInc here: http://geeklyinc.com/review-norse-mythology-by-neil-gaiman/
Almost finished, highly recommend it. Not typical Gaiman but definitely Gaiman style.
This book is taking me forever to finish and I want to read Robin Hobn. It's kind of annoying me.
My new monthly column on GeeklyInc, Geekly Guide to Authors starts with Joe Abercrombie. I'm proud of this piece so please check it out. http://geeklyinc.com/geekly-guide-to-authors-joe-abercrombie/
There is a quote on Rollo May's The Courage to Create with a typo that makes the sentence nonsensical and it's driving me nuts. I tried submitting the correct quote only for Goodreads to say I was sharing the same quote with the typo. The correct quote is “Recall how often in human history the saint and the rebel have been the same person." Then if you google the wrong quote you find a lot of these quote sites copied it without even reading it. ?
Happy 125th birthday, professor. Only six more years until you beat The Old Took and seven to beat Bilbo.
At this time of year let's not forget the gift Charles Dickens (pictured above) gave us in A Christmas Carol.
How is the road to Tinuë?
The plot of these books is all over the place , but the dialogue is some A+ witty banter.
Oh man guys, Lin-Manuel Miranda is going to produce the adaptation to one of my favorite book series ever, and GeeklyInc let me write about it! 📚💚📚💚📚💚 http://geeklyinc.com/hamilton-creator-lin-manuel-miranda-to-produce-the-kingkill...
‘The work is done,‘ grown old he thought, ‘According to my boyish plan; Let the fools rage, I swerved in naught, Something to perfection brought‘; But louder sang that ghost, ‘What then?‘
It's because of @Liberty that I'm on Litsy and her podcast that I am reading this book. Thanks
This book suffers from the most grievous flaw, in my opinion, that a book can suffer. The eight deadly words, "I don't care what happens to these people."
I wrote a thing. My first contribution to GeeklyInc! It's all about Brandon Sanderson's recent film deal and a general piece about adaptations. geeklyinc.com/brandon-sandersons-cosmere-coming-to-a-theater-near-you/
It certainly is 70s science fiction, I will say that. It's... problematic.
Kind of annoyed. This was going to be my #recommendsday book but as I was googling the book I found out it's the start of a new trilogy that has a previous trilogy before it! Ugh. Edit: I hate touchscreen keyboards forever.
I've thought long and hard about this chapter from A Storm of Swords and what happens at the end of season six of Game of Thrones. This is what I wrote about it: https://fouroffivewits.com/2016/10/24/the-legacy-of-robb-stark/ #asoiaf
Yessssssssssssssss octopuspie.com
These words have been posted on my bedroom door for five years. I read them every day.
If you're a "seat of your pants" style writer i.e. a writer who discovers his story as he writes i highly recommend this book. It has convinced me to do an outline for the next novel I write and I haven't even finished the book yet. #litsywriters.
On #recommendsday I've selected Uprooted by Naomi Novik. A author I admore, I can't remember which but it was probably Patrick Rothfuss or Neil Gaiman said on tumblr or twitter "You have to preorder this book." When it came in the mail I had forgotten all about it but it's one of those few books that sucked me in right away since The Name of the Wind. I love the magic system and the folklore of it plus the personality of the protagonists.
Easily the better collection of the Sherlock Holmes short stories between "Memoirs of..." and it. I remember "Return of..." being great but don't recall "His Last Bow" or "The Case-book of..." very well.
I own it already in hardcover, but it's on sale for Kindle (U.S.) for 2.99 right now.
Happy Hobbit Day! Happy birthday, Bilbo, you've surely beat the Old Took now. Happy birthday, Frodo.
Some of this was informative, like "Oh, that's me" kind of informative. Other parts seemed to generalize and be kind of condescending.
I'm up to that part of the book that rhymes with "Bed Sledding" and knowing that it happens doesn't ease this feeling of dread as it gets closer.
I tried to put into words how much and why I love Octopus Pie over on my site: https://fouroffivewits.com/2016/09/14/take-not-a-slice-but-the-whole-dish-of-mer...
Catelyn's distrust and hatred of Jon Snow always made me less sympathetic to her character than I know I should be. Martin does a good job of using her to show how people view bastards as inherently distrustful in Westeros.
Catelyn's distrust and hatred of Jon Snow always made me less sympathetic to her character than I know I should be. Martin does a good job of using her to show how people view bastards as inherently distrustful in Westeros.
This is actually from her eBook "21 Reasons You Don't Think You Have Time to Write." If you write, I highly recommend this. It's $2.99 on Amazon.
2/2 of my favorite Octopus Pie panels of all time. Sick burn, Eve.