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Hytti nro 6
Hytti nro 6: Kohtaamisia junassa | Rosa Liksom
19 posts | 8 read | 30 to read
Finlandia-voittaja 2011! Rosa Liksomin huikea kertomus matkasta asioiden ytimeen, suljetun maan sielunelmn ja tytn omaan sisimpn. "Tmn voi lukea vaikka kuinka moneen kertaan, ja aina avautuu jotain uutta, niin rikasta teksti on." -Jarmo Tuominen, Valkeakosken sanomat "Kun kohottaa katseensa kirjasta, hmmstyy sit, ett kaikki ymprill onkin paikoillaan, lukija ei olekaan junassa." -Mirjam Silvn, Pohjalainen It on it ja lnsi on lnsi, on tytt ja tytll on unelma. On Neuvostoliitto, sen kulahtanut ja absurdi todellisuus, lannistetut mutta kekselit ihmiset, korruptio ja tyly lhihistoria. On Siperian juna, junassa hytti ja tytn matkakumppanina venlinen mies. Ohi vilahtavat toistensa kaltaiset kaupungit ja pystyyn mtnevt tehtaat, kaduilla lainehtivat joet ja myrkytetyt metst. Thdet kolisevat jkuutioina vihrell taivaalla ja rkinen kissa naukaisee yss.
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One of the rare cases of movie is better than book.I saw Juho Kuosmanen‘s adaptation&was not aware that he‘d taken some liberties which make the film compelling&emotionally engaging.The book is not convincing bc the girl character is too aloof&the man-much older than her-a despicable misogynist,antisemitic drunk who beats his wife.In the movie the girl and man are the same age&he‘s rough&rude but also kind&gentle&thus believable that 👇

Anna40 they connect&she‘d develop feelings for him. I wanted to see that tenderness&that bond&connection in the novel but it seems impossible to me that any sane woman could connect with that scumbag. What I really enjoyed was the descriptions of landscape&the Soviet Union,the journey from Moscow to Mongolia was what kept me from bailing. 3w
CogsOfEncouragement I won this book in a readathon years ago and did not like it at all. I didn‘t know there was a movie, but I sure wouldn‘t have wanted to watch it. lol 3w
Anna40 @CogsOfEncouragement I don‘t blame you, I wouldn‘t have bought the book if I‘d known … the film has flaws but I loved the relationship&connection between the characters & was curious to see how the author conveyed that in writing … well she didn‘t. The man is a scumbag I‘d be scared of. I‘d certainly wouldn‘t want to hang out or spend several days&nights! alone in a compartment with him 3w
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Day ten of #ReadingWomenMonth: #womenintranslation!

COMPARTMENT NO 6 has been on my #TBR for ages. I hope to get to it for #WITmonth. Has anyone else read this novel?

#translatedfiction #thereadingwomen #women_writers #readwomen

Redwritinghood Haven't heard of it before now. I'll be interested in hearing your thoughts. 7y
vivastory Sounds great. Stacked! 7y
CogsOfEncouragement yep. I won an ARC. 7y
minkyb Had not heard of this! Will await your thoughts. 7y
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This book has nothing to do with our upcoming event on January 29th except for some things....being a fantastic book by a fantastic writer from a place that reminds us of Midwinter. Other than that, our celebration couldn't be more different. 😉🙊


Second "meh" of the month.

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My cat trap worked purrfectly! 😝

Owlizabeth 😹😹😹 8y
Chessa 😹 8y
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DebinHawaii 🐱❤️ 8y
Suzze Great picture! Tink said to tell her she knows the feeling. 8y
Dragon So cute! 🐱🐈 8y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled 😂😂😂 8y
Bookzombie 😂💕🐱 8y
MrBook 😻 8y
BookBabe 😸 8y
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The main character, a nameless girl, is stuck on a train (in compartment 6) for days with an abusive man. I read this quickly because I just wanted it to be over. I think that is the point, but I did not enjoy it.

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My prize from the #24in48 #readathon arrived today! A huge THANK YOU to @Litsy @24in48 & @Graywolfpress

WordWaller Yay Graywolf!! Jealous! 8y
Blair_Reads Yay!! 8y
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Just received my #24in48 #readathon prize from #graywolfpress. Thank you thank you! It sounds interesting and is going on the top of my TBR list 🙂

Blair_Reads Yay!!!! Congrats! 8y
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Holy cats, it's time to start the #24in48 Readathon! To kick it off: Our first amazing giveaway (U.S. Only), brought you by COMPARTMENT NO. 6 from Graywolf Press!
To enter, share a photo of the first book you're reading and why you chose it. Be sure to use the #24in48 hashtag. Three random #readathon participants will be chosen at 8am.

MyBookLife Can we outside U.S. not participate in any if these giveaways? 😥 8y
scripturient Yes, I'm wondering as well. 😢 8y
Bookworm54 @scripturient @MyBookLife I'm not sure, but if it's like the other readathons I have seen, it will depend on where prizes and things have been donated from. Some may be US or Canada only, others may be international. I'm hoping there are some international ones but I guess we will just have to wait and see 😔 8y
tattoo55 Oooooooh I'm in! 8y
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