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The Deserter
The Deserter: A Novel | Nelson DeMille, Alex DeMille
11 posts | 6 read | 3 to read
A taut, psychologically suspenseful military thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Nelson DeMillewriting with his son, screenwriter Alex DeMilleabout two army investigators on the hunt in Venezuela for an army deserter who might know too much about a secret Pentagon operation. When Captain Kyle Mercer of the Armys elite Delta Force disappeared from his post in Afghanistan, a video released by his Taliban captors made international headlines. But circumstances were murky: Did Mercer desert before he was captured? Then a second video sent to Mercers Army commanders leaves no doubt: the trained assassin and keeper of classified Army intelligence has willfully disappeared. When Mercer is spotted a year later in Caracas, Venezuela by an old army buddy, top military brass task Scott Brodie and Maggie Taylor of the Criminal Investigation Division to fly to Venezuela and bring Mercer back to Americadead or alive. Brodie knows this is a difficult mission, made more difficult by his new partners inexperience and by his suspicion that Maggie Taylor is reporting to the CIA. With ripped-from-the-headlines appeal, an exotic and dangerous locale, and the hairpin twists and inimitable humor that are signature DeMille, The Deserter is the first in a timely and thrilling new series from an unbeatable team of True Masters: the #1 New York Times bestseller Nelson DeMille and his son, award-winning screenwriter Alex DeMille.
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The Deserter: A Novel | Nelson DeMille, Alex DeMille
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#Venezuela is a very bad place to be for Americans, if this book is to be believed. Based on my other readings about the country, sadly I do believe it. Once a thriving country, rich because of its oil and a thriving economy, it is now a solid dictatorship rife with corruption and crime. So, Caracas is the perfect place for an AWOL‘d soldier escaping the Taliban to be found. But what is his real motive and what is America‘s for Venezuela? CID ⬇️

Texreader officers Brody and Taylor are sent first to Caracas to find and apprehend him and they follow his tracks deep into the jungle—both places, Caracas and the jungle, are characters as much as the people and as likely to kill them. Action-packed but also a lot of “telling” about back stories and repetition that gets a bit numbing. Still a good read that likely accurately portrays a country in serious distress. #foodandlit @Catsandbooks 2mo
Catsandbooks 👏🏼🇻🇪 2mo
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The Deserter: A Novel | Nelson DeMille, Alex DeMille
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The Deserter: A Novel | Nelson DeMille, Alex DeMille
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Up next, my January #bookspin pick. I always enjoy a Nelson DeMille!


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 5mo
GinaKButler @TheAromaofBooks If this wasn‘t my #bookspin I would have put it down. It‘s about 250 pages too long. Such a disappointment…I love this author! 5mo
TheAromaofBooks So frustrating when a favorite author doesn't deliver!!! Hopefully the next one is better. 5mo
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The Deserter: A Novel | Nelson DeMille, Alex DeMille
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Here we go! January‘s #bookspin and #doublespin picks! I really like Nelson DeMille and it‘s been a while since I‘ve read him. I think it‘s so cool that he auctions off character names in his books for charity!

Thank you for hosting, @TheAromaofBooks 📚

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Enjoy!! 6mo
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The Deserter: A Novel | Nelson DeMille, Alex DeMille
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#Movie2BookRecs @klou
Prompt: Lord of War

Klou Great pick! 2y
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The Deserter: A Novel | Nelson DeMille, Alex DeMille
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After 3 attempts to finish, I finally quit reading at page 165. I could never get into the story and the characters were lack luster. A lot of people liked this book. So I will mark it up to just not my thing. DNF!

The Deserter: A Novel | Nelson DeMille, Alex DeMille
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#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

📘 Reading tagged book, Three Days at the Brink and Planetside
📘 well I can't say because it was for a swap and my victim.. I mean swappee has not yet opened! 🤣
📘 88 partly cloudy with a chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon and humid.

The Deserter: A Novel | Nelson DeMille, Alex DeMille
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I love a good Nelson DeMille story!

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The Deserter: A Novel | Nelson DeMille, Alex DeMille
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Multi-tasking this morning - reading the ARC by Nelson DeMille and watching Say Anything! I honestly don‘t think I‘ve seen this movie since I was in high school and saw it in the movies but love the radio scene! The book is pretty good too - typical DeMille but entertaining and a page turner.

TheSpineView I have this ARC too but have not to it yet. Good to know you like. 5y
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The Deserter: A Novel | Nelson DeMille, Alex DeMille
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Suitcases packed and my kindle filled with all my net galley books to catch up - excited to get the new Nelson demille written with his son - from net galley. His books are predictable but he lives about 5 miles from me and always writes about places I know!
Also have the scholar by dervla mctiernan with me in book form because it takes place in Galway and I‘ll be there on Sunday!
Ireland - here we come! 🇮🇪

The Deserter: A Novel | Nelson DeMille, Alex DeMille
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Here is the stack of signed books. The three at the bottom of the stack are for my grand daughter and are to her. The Deserter is signed my both th e DeMilles. Now I have to decide which one to read first. Any thoughts?

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