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O Wow: Discovering Your Ultimate Orgasm | Jenny Block
3 posts
What is an ultimate orgasm? An ultimate orgasm is your personal best orgasm. It doesnt leave anything at the table. It doesnt want anything more. It lasts as long as it lasts. It takes as long as it takes. Its as messy and loud or quiet and tidy as you like. It has no room for shame or apology. An ultimate orgasm comes from questioning, exploring, experimenting, with no concern for how society or religion or anything else defines sex or female orgasm. The ultimate orgasm belongs to you and only you and it is your responsibility to find it, to have it, and to keep it for as long as you want to live a fully sexually satisfying life. Want to know the secret to having the ultimate orgasm? Knowing your body and being in the zone. Thats it. Lots of tips and tricks and ideas follow later in the book. But first and foremost, we have to empower ourselves to pleasure. No matter how much your partner is committed to your orgasm, you are the only one who can and should be responsible for your orgasm. There's no judgment. No right or wrong way. No bad orgasms.
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#TLT #ThreeListThursday @dabbe

Wow I scored a whopping 6% 😂
Three favorites:
1. Rouge One
2. Bohemian Rhapsody
3. Rocket Man, but I don't think it was one the list

dabbe Yep, this wasn't my time period for movies either! 😂 Thanks for playing and sharing! 🤩🤩🤩 4d
MaleficentBookDragon I say Rocketman too. I still can‘t believe that flopped. It was so much fun.Taron Egerton is such a great singer. I believed he was Elton John. 4d
TheBookgeekFrau @dabbe 💜💜💜 4d
TheBookgeekFrau @MaleficentBookDragon I think it was too bizarre to sit through in a movie theater 😅 But I really enjoyed it and yes; it was exactly like watching Elton himself!! 4d
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This is going to take two posts! Your generosity is overwhelming! The shower icing smells and looks amazing, as does the candle! Now I have to decide if I burn it during baths or melt it under my warmer during the day. The spoons look fun! Melt them under hot water like a cocoa spoon? #bestof2021swap

Chrissyreadit The spoons are to stir your tea- but I‘ve heard people use them as lollipops 2y
Avanders 😍🥰 And that mask is amazing! 2y
Chrissyreadit @Avanders I love a fun mask so much 🤣 2y
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Avanders @Chrissyreadit me too… or pretty ones 😁 Though I do find myself defaulting to the blue medical masks the most… maybe that should be a goal for 2022… make joy with masks ☺️😷 2y
Chrissyreadit @Avanders thanks to Omicron I‘m wearing my fun ones over the blue ones. So best of both worlds? 2y
BethM @Chrissyreadit @Avanders if we have to wear masks they should definitely be fun! 2y
candority Definitely a fun mask! 🐙 2y
BethM @Chrissyreadit I wore this mask today and it is easily my favorite! So comfortable! Thank you friend :) 2y
Chrissyreadit Beth I‘m so glad! That was a favorite company of mine from Etsy- I ordered for me, my mom my SiL and my daughter and yours. 2y
BethM @Chrissyreadit the so fresh and clean has become my absolute favorite product! The scent is super calming for me. I have to try to find lotion! Thanks again 😘 2y
Chrissyreadit @BethM I‘m so glad! I order from there every other month it is IndulgenceSpa on Etsy. 2y
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Oh my friend, I can already tell this is going to be epic. #bestof2021swap

SRWCF Oh, man. Happy New Year! That looks awesome! 2y
Chrissyreadit 😘😘😘 2y
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