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Pokemon Omega Ruby & Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
Pokemon Omega Ruby & Pokemon Alpha Sapphire: The Official National Pokedex | Pokemon Company International
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Provides detailed information on hundred of characters from the Pokemon video game and advice on such topics as changing forms, evolution and reversion, items to collect, and types of moves and the characters that use them.
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This is the size guide for #PumpkabooHunt

What size of Pumpkaboo can you catch?

I'm thinking it's going to be a lot of Small and Medium ones for me 😅

Track your books through October and we'll see who gets what

Seabreeze_Reader This sounds fun! 🎃 I think a lot of my catches will be Small ones for October picture books. 7d
GHABI4ROSES Thank you so very much for this! I am all IN and sending the list link on the signup. Lol. I originally typed “application“. @DIEAREADER @ANDREW65 7d
Faranae I'm likely going to finish my first re-read (but not my Twitch read) of Don Quixote in October, and I deeply resent that it will only count for 1 Super Pumpkaboo. 😂 (I am of course joking - it'll offset my heap of smalls). 7d
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DieAReader @PuddleJumper Is this Pokémon related? 6d
PuddleJumper @DieAReader They are Pokemon but it's not related to #GottaCatchemAll 6d
DieAReader @PuddleJumper Ok, thanks🙂 6d
Catsandbooks I wanna join in on this one too! 🎃 4d
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Via @PuddleJumper

#PumpkabooHunt is a bit of an October add-on to #GottaCatchemAll because it's Pokémon themed.
Anyone can join in; you don't need to be involved with the yearlong challenge. This is the first time running this so l'm figuring it out as I go along!
This will be based on page count, I think Audiobook readers will be able to convert? If not, poke me and I'll add hours listened as well…

PuddleJumper Thanks! 2w
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#PumpkabooHunt is a bit of an October add-on to #GottaCatchemAll because it‘s Pokémon themed.

Anyone can join in; you don‘t need to be involved with the yearlong challenge. This is the first time running this so I‘m figuring it out as I go along!

This will be based on page count, I think Audiobook readers will be able to convert? If not, poke me and I‘ll add hours listened as well

Who can get the most Pumpkaboo by the end of October?

PuddleJumper Small size = 0-175
Medium size = 176-350
Large size = 351-450
Super size = 451+
I can make graphics for people who want a visual tracker. Easiest way would be to tag me with totals and then I‘ll make something pretty!
(edited) 2w
KateReadsYA A pumpkaboo!!!!! Are you kidding me. How stinkin cute 🎃 2w
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TheAromaofBooks Oh this is so fun!!! A graphic that has the sizes listed (the way they are in your caption) would be helpful for me - I tend to save graphics and refer to them to remind me how a challenge is working 😂 (edited) 2w
PuddleJumper @TheAromaofBooks I can definitely do that 2w
PuddleJumper @KateReadsYA 🤣 They are adorable 2w
TheAromaofBooks I didn't mean to sound demanding by the way 😆 I can also make my own graphic to save if I need to haha 2w
PuddleJumper @TheAromaofBooks Lol you weren't 🤣 It's a good idea, it's better having that information easily available. I would totally forget without a visual reminder 2w
Jari-chan So lovely 😍 my only problem is that I for sure will forget to track 🤦 one of the reasons I don't join challenges/read-alongs that need tracking anything 🙈 2w
PuddleJumper @Jari-chan I rely heavily on Storygraph for anything that needs tracking. I'll start tracking then forget or write it in a new note book 🤣 2w
Jari-chan @PuddleJumper Maybe I could make StoryGraph work for me I'm with this challenge? 🤔 u 2w
PuddleJumper @Jari-chan I haven't created one on Storygraph but I can do that. Would make it easier to add up at the end 2w
PuddleJumper @Jari-chan Here is the Storygraph challenge - https://app.thestorygraph.com/reading_challenges/7c19ab1b-22bf-412c-a52a-0325f3c... I'll post again in a week or so with the new information 2w
PuddleJumper @TheAromaofBooks I've done a size graphic thing. I'll post it properly to Litsy in a week or two, but its on my GDrive if you want it - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1w7yArnf9C2vQw8apWZLPBlw-3T0MuIS1 2w
TheAromaofBooks Oooo thank you so much!!! 2w
Jari-chan @PuddleJumper So cool! Joined! 2w
SunnieK Can‘t wait 2w
Kenyazero Very cute! Maybe I'll join in! It's going to be mostly small and medium pumpkaboo for me 😆 2w
kwmg40 Sounds fun. I always enjoy your creative challenges. 2w
PuddleJumper @Kenyazero Same 🤣 I've got so many cosy mystery books ready 2w
PuddleJumper @kwmg40 🧡🧡 Thank you. I just love smushing my interests together 🤣 2w
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