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Joined May 2021

Guilty of eating the last cupcake. Always talking about books. StoryGraph: zeebookdragon // Instagram: cozywithbooksandtea
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The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story by Nikole Hannah-Jones, The New York Times Company
The Deep Sky: A Novel | Yume Kitasei
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A fast paced mind-bending space mystery in a shuttle containing humanity‘s last hope for survival. It was a fun ride that highlighted how we carry our bias with us even when Earth and its politics are millions of miles away.

June #doublespin complete! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3d
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

1. I make a book goal on StoryGraph at the beginning of the year. It‘s a fun benchmark to see progress on.
2. Totally a fly by the seat of my pants reader. My bookspin lists contain the handful of challenges I‘m participating in instead of book titles.
3. Reading takes me on grand adventures in fantastical places. It also helps me learn about other cultures within our world today.

Eggs Great post👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 How many challenges are you working on? 4d
Zuhkeeyah @Eggs Nine! A mix of Litsy and Instagram challenges. 3d
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Disorientation | Elaine Hsieh Chou
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I feel like I read a different book than all the other rave reviews. I still enjoyed it, but rarely did I find it funny. Maybe it was the cluelessness of the main character? The story implies she‘s really smart, while also emphasizing she‘s people illiterate. I like how her perspective of the world slowly expanded as she (finally) matures throughout the book though. This book is a good satirical take on the current social climate in the U.S.A..

Witch King | Martha Wells
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Overall, I liked it, but the plot sometimes felt forced. It‘s a soft pick for me. I did enjoy the back and forth between then and now, though I had trouble maintaining the timeline for past events.

A strong recommend for those who enjoy new magical systems mixed with politics.

Another Hugo award nominee.

The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi | Shannon Chakraborty
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Amina is a protagonist I‘d love to just hang out with. She‘s confident in her skills as a captain and knows how to run a tight ship. The seasoned mariner viewpoint was refreshing after multiple books with young voices. I can‘t wait to read her next adventure.

The audiobook was fantastic. They made it feel like an oral history recording with “off-mic” asides included.

Thanks to @HOTPock3tt for #auldlangspine recommendation. Also, a Hugo nominee.

TieDyeDude I loved this audiobook! I agree that it is refreshing to have a seasoned POV :-) 1w
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A time bending novel in which I really didn‘t like the main character but still couldn‘t stop reading. Kyr does eventually grow on you throughout the story. It was interesting to experience the radicalized viewpoint and to see the holes in the argument she willfully ignored thanks to years of conditioning.

Another of this year‘s Hugo Award novel nominees.

Ruthiella Great review! I really liked this book. 1w
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Oh, this is fun! I love my Bridgerton alter ego. Thank you @CrowCAH for sharing.

I'm holding out on watching season 3 until all the episodes are out. I can't handle a cliffhanger.

behudd I‘m waiting to watch, too, for the same reason. Only one more week! 2w
TheBookHippie Oh I love yours too!!! These are so fun!! 2w
RosePressedPages That‘s honestly such a good idea, the season being in two parts has been brutal. Love your Bridgerton portrait! 2w
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Texreader Gorgeous!! 2w
TheLudicReader I have also been waiting for the second half of season 3 to drop before I watch. So far, I have avoided all spoilers! 2w
CrowCAH I don‘t blame you for waiting! From what I‘ve heard those four episodes are not enough! 2w
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The reading challenge style is still working for me. Here is my June #bookspin list.

Happy reading!


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3w
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Bingo! May resulted in a very full #bookspinbingo board. Both #bookspin and #doublespin selections were read. I really enjoyed the wide variety of genres I read last month. More nonfiction than I usually read along with multiple romance novels which is a rare thing these days.


TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Fantastic month!!! 3w
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A Fate Inked in Blood | Danielle L. Jensen
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A fast-paced read about a woman “blessed” by the goddess of protection who finds herself used as a pawn in man‘s quest to become king. The most interesting aspect of the story is that those touched by the gods can choose their fate while normal people have had their lives written by fates upon birth.

May #bookspin complete @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3w
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My fluff ball is one! 🤯 I feel very lucky that he has never been interested in chewing my books. Even when itty-bitty.

#whatsnewwednesday @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Read4life @TieDyeDude

Ruthiella Happy birthday to your pup! 🐶❤️🥳 1mo
Graciouswarriorprincess Happy birthday! 1mo
jessinikkip Aww such a pretty baby!! 1mo
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Read4life So sweet!🐶 Happy birthday, Pixel 💙💙 1mo
UwannaPublishme Happy Birthday Pixel! 🐶🎉 1mo
Sace Awww! What a handsome little man! 1mo
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
1. I remember being super excited to get my first library card during a school trip in elementary school
2. Most of my books come from the library (physical and digital)
3. Current reads: Witch King and Foxglove King (just realized my titles have a theme…)

Eggs Great memory! Thanks for playing 🥰 1mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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I really liked this book. It was an unnerving read with the pandemic still fresh in my mind. I liked the back and forth between before and after to weave all the different narratives together. The ending felt rather abrupt after all the buildup, but that didn‘t take away from the story as a whole.

#authoramonth @Soubhiville

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It‘s May! Time is flying by. The Hugo award shortlist is out and ready for reading. I‘m excited to tackle the list which has always resulted in some of my favorite books of the year.

Happy reading! #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Bingo! April #bookspinbingo was a success. As always, my reading is all over the genre map. I‘m happy to report that I completed both my #bookspin and #doublespin this month. Those books were my favorites of the month. I had two DNFs which is unfortunate, but I‘m also kind of proud that I‘m getting better at acknowledging what isn‘t working for me.


TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!!! 2mo
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Here‘s a quarterly update of my progress in the #nonfiction2024 challenge. I used stars to note which prompt books I‘ve read already. The blue ones are those I‘ve read this year. I‘m hoping to have a blackout board twice over by also reading the prompts.


Riveted_Reader_Melissa This is so beautifully set up! Great work. I‘m glad you liked the prompts and found this years challenge interesting. 2mo
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I didn‘t dislike this book despite the bail. It was more of being unable to stay engaged in the story. I could feel it weaving it‘s way to a poignant ending, but I‘m not really in the mood for such a slow read right now. Maybe another time I will pick it up again.


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I don't think this author is for me. I wasn't a fan of her first book and this book was also a miss. The main heroine was annoying. I was constantly frustrated with her decisions.

I finished this book through pure stubbornness. I'll admit the ending was unexpected, but not really worth the effort.

Erin.Elizabeth10 I felt the same! 2mo
Zuhkeeyah @Erin.Elizabeth10 The whole library situation was incredibly annoying. Don't stand there and read. 😑 2mo
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I escaped the city to spend the weekend with my aunt for her birthday. I want my retirement space (many years in the future) to have a porch just like hers for all day reading.

[Kindle off screen]

TheSpineView Love a porch! 💜🐾🐕 2mo
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We Deserve Monuments | Jas Hammonds
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“TEN. That‘s how many bullet holes I counted puncturing the rusted brown Bardell County highway sign.”

#firstlinefridays @ShyBookOwl

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A beautifully written story that intertwines multiple narratives along with the past and present. My heart went out to each of the ladies as they struggled to carve out space in a culture where they are seen as less than. You know the writing is good when you‘re able to empathize with a character you don‘t even like.

Please check the content warnings.

April #bookspin complete! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 2mo
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A Door in the Dark | Scott Reintgen
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I stayed up way too late finishing this book. It was really good. Fast paced with a few interesting twists at the end. I will definitely read the sequel when it comes out in a couple months.

What Feasts at Night | T Kingfisher
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A short, creepy read. Alex‘s bumbling investigations and attempts to charm the grumpy widow were entertaining. T. Kingfisher has a way of describing the goriest scenes that make you feel like it‘s happening to you.

First Lie Wins: A Novel | Ashley Elston
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A twisty game of cat-and-mouse where you‘re not always sure who is doing the hunting.

This was a very fun read. I plan to check out more books by this author.

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What Feasts at Night | T Kingfisher
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"A poet once wrote that the woods of Gallacia are as deep and dark as God's sorrow."

An appropriately eerie beginning.

#firstlinefriday @ShyBookOwl

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🦕 Jurassic Park

💔 A Walk to Remember (book and movie were very different but I loved them both)

🪄Harry Potter and the Sorcerer‘s Stone

#TLT @dabbe
Thanks for the tag @Eggs

Eggs 💙🩵💙 3mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 Thanks for sharing. 💚🩷💚 3mo
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April #bookspin list is ready to be read!

Happy reading everyone ☺️

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Well, I have definitely found my reading groove again. Look at all the bingos! March was a good month for reading and life in general. I felt like I finally had space to breathe after months of going nonstop.

Thank you @TheAromaofBooks for hosting this challenge! #bookspinbingo

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!!! 3mo
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Manga Artists | Tamra Orr
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I had great time with this challenge. Turns out my library has a lot more manga available via hoopla than I realized (some is labeled as comic). I also used this challenge as an excuse to buy a few books of series I‘ve been wanting to read. Thank you @Nessavamusic for hosting! #mangamarch

Now, I‘m off to read all of Attack on Titan.

Nessavamusic Yay I‘m glad you enjoyed it! 3mo
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Godkiller | HANNAH. KANER
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Reading the tagged book while Pixel bird/people watches. Loving our chill time after a long morning walk.


Ruthiella ❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️ 3mo
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1. Puppy play date and working
2. Finally read Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen - it put me to sleep
3. Imani in the Belly

#motivationalmonday @Cupcake12
Thanks for the tag @Eggs ☺️

Cupcake12 Thanks for joining in. Have a great week x 3mo
Eggs 🩵🩵 3mo
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Another read pulled from the #nonfiction2024 prompt list. I like her humor and honesty during a very turbulent time in Iran. I can‘t imagine how you make the mental shift from freedom of speech to restrictions everywhere. Her parents were great in that they made their home a safe place to speak out.

Anyone have another nonfiction recommendation that covers the rise of the Islamic State? I‘d like to know more.

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I bought this because I really liked the cover. Thankfully, the book itself was entertaining. Zhao Yunlan was equal parts annoying and impressive. He was understandably confident considering his successes in the Soul Guarding Order. I guessed one of the twists, but a couple others caught me off guard. Next book in the series is out next week!

March #doublespin complete @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3mo
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This was a hard listen. We know what happened that day, but it was so much more intimate to hear the stories from survivors and the families of those lost. The bravery of the first responders cannot be overstated. Many went in that building with the full understanding they probably won‘t make it out.

I highly recommend the audiobook. It features a full cast representing all the stories being shared. Audio of select phone calls also included.

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 3mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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1. Thanksgiving and Christmas - one with holiday with my mom‘s side and the other with my dad‘s side
2. My parents - both usually have really good advice
3. Family trips were the best

#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

Everyone is welcome to play!

Eggs Thanks for joining in🙏🏻 3mo
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A heartwarming read with great artwork. The cheese theme had me cackling (Guoda is a great name for a dog). I finished it and then promptly read it again.

A big thank you to @sebrittainclark for her glowing review of this book.

TheBookHippie I loved this. I gave it to my niece for a holiday gift! 3mo
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Untitled | Anonymous
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🌼 Be kind to yourself and others. Mistakes happen, just try again.
🌼 Researcher - currently working in hematology lab
🌼 In another reality I‘d like to be a writer of ya fantasy

#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

Eggs Well said! Thanks for playing 🥳 3mo
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Two Twisted Crowns | Rachel Gillig
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An appropriately twisty ending to this duology. I‘m a huge fan of the magic system in this world. Honestly, I‘m a fan of all of it. Props to the author for coming up with all those creepy rhymes said by the nightmare.

Highly recommend to anyone interested a darker fantasy story.

February #doublespin complete! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3mo
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#motivationalmonday @Cupcake12

1. Pixel goes to the groomer and cleaning my kitchen
2. Veterinarian because I love animals and didn‘t want to be a people doctor
3. The only one so far is to visit my bestie in Chicago for her baby shower in the spring
4. I caved and started a new light novel series

Cupcake12 Great answers. Thanks for joining in. Have a good week 👍🏻 3mo
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I did the book lover game of "just one more chapter" last night...and ended up finishing the book.

I liked this one a lot. Kolis' character was incredibly unnerving. His intelligence paired with a twisted sense of empathy made for a tense read. Sera showed a lot more restraint in this one than the previous books, but still remained her sassy self.

Zuhkeeyah Also, why is there one more book?! Three would have been perfect. I like Sera and Ash, but would be fine ending it here. 3mo
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A chill Friday night with a tired puppy (he went to daycare today). I'm starting this month's #doublespin, which was to read a book I own.

Not pictured: glass of red wine and a sleeve of thin min cookies 😋


The Dry | Jane Harper
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Not at all the ending I was predicting! This was a great thriller. The audiobook made it hard to know which moments were recounting of the past versus current day, but you usually could figure it out after a few sentences.

#authoramonth @Soubhiville

KadaGul @Zuhkeeyah first time around , I had a hard time w/ audiobook. I think 🤔 this time around ill read 📖 it #bookvsaudiobook (edited) 3mo
Zuhkeeyah @KadaGul Good idea. The story is really well built, but sudden flashbacks on the audiobook sometimes threw me out of it for a few minutes. 3mo
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Bride | Ali Hazelwood
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A lighthearted paranormal was exactly what I needed after a streak of rather intense reads. I loved this book. The main character, Misery, is delightfully sarcastic at all times. Props to Ali Hazelwood on a successful foray into the paranormal side of romance.

Kafka on the Shore | Haruki Murakami
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A thought-provoking story about the power of an individual's spirit to enact change outside of the physical body. There's so much more to this story than just that, though. It captivated me in a way I can't quite explain.

I'm working on reading the books used for this year's #nonfiction2024 prompts.

AmyG My most favorite Murakami. 4mo
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PULSE Vol. 1 | Ratana Satis
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Did I use #mangamarch as an excuse to start a new manhwa? Absolutely.

A heartless cardiac surgeon playgirl meets the happy-go-lucky patient in need of a new heart. I like that there aren't any immediate sparks, but more of a slow burn start to their friendship. I'm excited to see how things develop.


Nessavamusic Excellent! The art looks so pretty 4mo
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Two Twisted Crowns | Rachel Gillig
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A lazy Saturday afternoon on the couch. I now know to time my reading with his midday nap.

This book has me hooked! I have no idea what is coming next.


BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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First bingo of 2024! February #bookspinbingo was a success.

I haven‘t been churning through books like I usually do thanks to a busy schedule, but I‘m enjoying the ones I manage to finish.


TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fabulous month!!! 4mo
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How to Say Babylon | Safiya Sinclair
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Safiya Sinclair is a brave human to revisit the traumas of her youth. Her father was a strict Rastafarian who hated all things Babylon (aka the modern world) and believed women could never be as pure as men (bleh). Despite all of the restrictions that kept Safiya under her father‘s control, she obtained scholarships to the best schools and wrote herself to freedom with her poetry. Fantastic memoir.

January #doublespin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 4mo
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I've officially started planning my summer trip. Not sure where I'm going yet, but plan A is to find a good weekend hike to go on with pup.

Thanks for the tag! @Eggs (and happy early birthday 🎉)

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TieDyeDude @Read4life

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yay!!! 🌞 4mo
Read4life Excellent! Thanks for sharing. 💙 4mo
Eggs Thank you dear for the Bday greeting 🤗 4mo
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Sons of Darkness | Gourav Mohanty
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"Hero. The word slithered nastily in his mind. An honour bestowed upon you when you had killed all those who would have called you a mass murderer."

Only a couple pages in, but this quote makes me think I'm going to really like this book.

KateReadsYA Wow. I love that! 4mo
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