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This is the size guide for #PumpkabooHunt

What size of Pumpkaboo can you catch?

I'm thinking it's going to be a lot of Small and Medium ones for me 😅

Track your books through October and we'll see who gets what

Seabreeze_Reader This sounds fun! 🎃 I think a lot of my catches will be Small ones for October picture books. 7d
GHABI4ROSES Thank you so very much for this! I am all IN and sending the list link on the signup. Lol. I originally typed “application“. @DIEAREADER @ANDREW65 7d
Faranae I'm likely going to finish my first re-read (but not my Twitch read) of Don Quixote in October, and I deeply resent that it will only count for 1 Super Pumpkaboo. 😂 (I am of course joking - it'll offset my heap of smalls). 7d
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DieAReader @PuddleJumper Is this Pokémon related? 6d
PuddleJumper @DieAReader They are Pokemon but it's not related to #GottaCatchemAll 6d
DieAReader @PuddleJumper Ok, thanks🙂 6d
Catsandbooks I wanna join in on this one too! 🎃 4d
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I wanted to see how many people would be interested in an October TBR readathon where you earn points for books read.

I accumulate so many books that I want to read in October and I am very motivated by points and shiny things which is why I‘m asking.

You‘ll get points for books read, readathons participated in, bingo boards completed etc

This could be with teams or individuals, dependent on interest.

PuddleJumper I am very happy to organise something or collaborate. I know a few people have expressed interest in running something/participating in something. I don‘t want to step on anyone's toes.

I‘m just aware that September will go quickly and it‘ll take time to organise. I can be contacted on eommods@gmail.com if that is easier particularly if people want to help/have ideas etc.
Captivatedbybooks Oo i was thinking attacking my TBR books next month so this would be right up my alley 2w
Bookwormjillk Yes! Thank you! I was thinking of putting together a list of all of the challenges I‘ve seen so far. When I do that I will send it to you. 2w
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PuddleJumper @Bookwormjillk That would be great, thank you! 2w
OriginalCyn620 I‘d be very interested! Thank you for asking and organizing! 😊 2w
TheSpineView I would be interested. I usually host a month long readathon in October to go along with the games. I can do that again and help you in others ways if you need it. I also make a spreadsheet each time to track points. I share it with @DebinHawaii but would be happy to make available to anyone who wants to use it. 2w
PuddleJumper @TheSpineView That would be wonderful, thank you! There are a few readathons going ahead in October so I thought extra points for participation would be a good way to get people involved 2w
Seabreeze_Reader I might be interested. If there are points involved though, I'd rather do it by team in keeping with #scarathlon. I'm just not a fast or competitive reader, so I wouldn't be motivated by individual points accrued during October. That's just my personal feelings though. 🤗🍁 2w
Seabreeze_Reader Maybe having this posted on @LitsyEvents might be helpful too, for quick input? I can understand why time is of the essence in getting this all organized. (edited) 2w
PuddleJumper @Seabreeze_Reader I understand that. I would like to be able to do teams as I think that makes it more fun and motivating. It depends on how many people there are and whether anyone would want to be a team captain 2w
PuddleJumper @Seabreeze_Reader That's a good idea, thanks! 2w
TheSpineView @PuddleJumper. I like the idea of just counting points for readathons. With the games, while fun, there is so much going on it seems impossible to do everything. 2w
PuddleJumper @TheSpineView It would make it more accesible to people as well. I agree, it can get very overwhelming with everything going on and with the games you want a decent number of people playing. It gets a bit one sided if there are just two people playing 😂 2w
zezeki I would be interested, too. ☺️ 2w
Seabreeze_Reader @PuddleJumper @TheSpineView In that case, maybe we could just stick to tracking points for the #PumpkabooHunt which PuddleJumper already set up in a previous post? https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2771104
I can totally understand participants being a little burnt out on tracking points for games, posts, etc, in addition to spooky season reading.
PuddleJumper @Seabreeze_Reader @TheSpineView I've got a spreadsheet that does all the maths for you. I can definitely repurpose that. I can put up a sign up form and just see what people want. If people want games then I can do that and make it opt in. I want something that people can participate in at whatever level they want 2w
dabbe I'm game! 🧡🩶🧡 2w
TheSpineView @PuddleJumper That sounds like a plan. 2w
Catsandbooks All of this sounds fantastic! Especially with scarathlon not happening this year, I would love to still have a points based challenge to participate in! I was a team captain last year and would be happy to be one again! I will fill out the form you posted! Thanks so much! 💖 2w
BookwormAHN Sounds fantastic 👻 2w
Seabreeze_Reader 🙂 It sounds like you have formulated a plan now so I will go with the flow. 👍 Off to sign up for #HauntedShelf. 🍁 (edited) 2w
LiseWorks This sounds like fun. 2w
PuddleJumper @Jadams89

Thanks for offering to help out! I'm getting organised and I've created a Discord group - https://discord.gg/kj3CddVZeP

I'll start getting things done soon. Hoping to get a bunch done this weekend. Thanks again!
Catsandbooks @PuddleJumper awesome! 🧡 2w
Emilymdxn I‘d be super interested and up for helping out! 1w
bekakins I‘d be interested! 1w
sebrittainclark @PuddleJumper I have a notion dashboard template that calculates points for different, I would be happy to make a version for this event and share it out, once 1w
Texreader I‘m in 1w
JenReadsAlot I would be interested 1w
PuddleJumper @sebrittainclark That would be great, thank you! 1w
Marmie7 Awesome, I'm in! 1w
Charityann I‘m interested!🎃 6d
Laughterhp Sounds like fun! I‘d be interested! 5d
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Via @PuddleJumper

#PumpkabooHunt is a bit of an October add-on to #GottaCatchemAll because it's Pokémon themed.
Anyone can join in; you don't need to be involved with the yearlong challenge. This is the first time running this so l'm figuring it out as I go along!
This will be based on page count, I think Audiobook readers will be able to convert? If not, poke me and I'll add hours listened as well…

PuddleJumper Thanks! 2w
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#PumpkabooHunt is a bit of an October add-on to #GottaCatchemAll because it‘s Pokémon themed.

Anyone can join in; you don‘t need to be involved with the yearlong challenge. This is the first time running this so I‘m figuring it out as I go along!

This will be based on page count, I think Audiobook readers will be able to convert? If not, poke me and I‘ll add hours listened as well

Who can get the most Pumpkaboo by the end of October?

PuddleJumper Small size = 0-175
Medium size = 176-350
Large size = 351-450
Super size = 451+
I can make graphics for people who want a visual tracker. Easiest way would be to tag me with totals and then I‘ll make something pretty!
(edited) 2w
KateReadsYA A pumpkaboo!!!!! Are you kidding me. How stinkin cute 🎃 2w
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TheAromaofBooks Oh this is so fun!!! A graphic that has the sizes listed (the way they are in your caption) would be helpful for me - I tend to save graphics and refer to them to remind me how a challenge is working 😂 (edited) 2w
PuddleJumper @TheAromaofBooks I can definitely do that 2w
PuddleJumper @KateReadsYA 🤣 They are adorable 2w
TheAromaofBooks I didn't mean to sound demanding by the way 😆 I can also make my own graphic to save if I need to haha 2w
PuddleJumper @TheAromaofBooks Lol you weren't 🤣 It's a good idea, it's better having that information easily available. I would totally forget without a visual reminder 2w
Jari-chan So lovely 😍 my only problem is that I for sure will forget to track 🤦 one of the reasons I don't join challenges/read-alongs that need tracking anything 🙈 2w
PuddleJumper @Jari-chan I rely heavily on Storygraph for anything that needs tracking. I'll start tracking then forget or write it in a new note book 🤣 2w
Jari-chan @PuddleJumper Maybe I could make StoryGraph work for me I'm with this challenge? 🤔 u 2w
PuddleJumper @Jari-chan I haven't created one on Storygraph but I can do that. Would make it easier to add up at the end 2w
PuddleJumper @Jari-chan Here is the Storygraph challenge - https://app.thestorygraph.com/reading_challenges/7c19ab1b-22bf-412c-a52a-0325f3c... I'll post again in a week or so with the new information 2w
PuddleJumper @TheAromaofBooks I've done a size graphic thing. I'll post it properly to Litsy in a week or two, but its on my GDrive if you want it - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1w7yArnf9C2vQw8apWZLPBlw-3T0MuIS1 2w
TheAromaofBooks Oooo thank you so much!!! 2w
Jari-chan @PuddleJumper So cool! Joined! 2w
SunnieK Can‘t wait 2w
Kenyazero Very cute! Maybe I'll join in! It's going to be mostly small and medium pumpkaboo for me 😆 2w
kwmg40 Sounds fun. I always enjoy your creative challenges. 2w
PuddleJumper @Kenyazero Same 🤣 I've got so many cosy mystery books ready 2w
PuddleJumper @kwmg40 🧡🧡 Thank you. I just love smushing my interests together 🤣 2w
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Repost for @AllDebooks

I'm updating the spreadsheet we use to admin the @LitsyEvents page and share all your great events/games/buddyreads/readathons/competitions, etc.

It would be a great help if you could help me out by tagging the details of your events, hosts, dates/times, info about the group/event.

Original post - https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2752549

Cont. ⬇ 💻 📓 📅 🤓

LitsyEvents Additionally, if you no longer run an event, please let me know so I can remove it from the taglist.

Please tag me @AllDebooks or @LitsyEvents #LitsyEvents

PuddleJumper I'll add you to the tag list of all my stuff. Do you want information about future events? I'm currently planning all my stuff for October/December 2mo
AllDebooks @PuddleJumper yes please, that would be a big help x 2mo
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Liz_M Thanks for doing this! 2mo
PuddleJumper #roll100 Year long challenge to tackle your TBR pile. Dice are rolled every month and you read the corresponding book. Monthly posts.

#queerbc A queer author is selected for each month, you read something written by them. Monthly voting and check ins. There will be buddyreads in October and December, haven't decided if they will be tagged separately. Information will go up the month before.
PuddleJumper #gottacatchemall Catch Pokemon by reading books that match prompts. Year long challenge. Monthly check ins. There will be special challenges in October and December. Same tag.

#castthedie Seasonal versions of #roll100. October is 13 books and December is 24. Same premise.
PuddleJumper #afterdarkbingo October bingo board for all things paranormal

#bodycountbingo October bingo board for mystery and murder

#trappedinaspookyhouse October challenge, things will start behind posted in September. Make a list of books, someone picks 5/10 books from your list for you to read
PuddleJumper #pumpkaboohunt October challenge, you catch different sized Pumpkaboo for each book you read e.g less than 100 pages is a tiny pumkaboo. See who can catch the most.

#wintercosy Two bingo boards December-January. One is geared towards being cosy and the other is more cosy books.
PuddleJumper #wintercleardown Bingo board December-January, last chance to clear down your TBR

#snowedin December challenge, you make a list of books you want to read and then someone else picks 5/10 books from that list for you to read. Information will go up a month or so in advance
PuddleJumper #monsterfuckbingo 1 or 2 bingo boards for er monster fucker books 😅 Likey to be mini bingo boards. October challenge. 2mo
PuddleJumper I think that is all of mine. Hmmm. That's a lot 😂 I'll add you to ask if the tag lists. If you need anything else just poke me. I get this stuff prepped in advance 2mo
AllDebooks @PuddleJumper yikes, you are gonna be busy. I love ALL of these 😍 2mo
AllDebooks @Liz_M tis a pleasure. Hopefully, it will make it quicker and easier to check through the lists x 2mo
Faranae I run an Ultimate Reading Challenge (and companion Formidable and Modest challenges) both here and through my blog and on StoryGraph. Info here: https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2686930 This year's tags are #URC2024 #FRC2024 and #MRC2024

I run them every year. The idea is to widen one's reading, as well as tackling TBRs. I review the submitted books from the previous year on my blog, which is how I widen *my* reading haha.
AllDebooks @Faranae thank you, @Faranae That's very helpful 😊 2mo
PuddleJumper @AllDebooks Yeah, I didn't realize how many there were until I started typing it out lol 2mo
TheAromaofBooks I'm behind on Litsy so I'm just seeing this post 😂 I'm obviously still doing #BookSpin and #BookSpinBingo. I'm also still hosting my #RandomClassics buddy reads each month. I'm technically hosting the #ISpyBingo boards but haven't been posting about them monthly - I posted them at the beginning of the year and then fell of the bandwagon with posting the reminders each month, but it's still an active challenge that I'm planning to revamp but ⬇ 2mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) keep going in 2025. I have no plans for discontinuing BookSpin so it should also be going for next year unless life takes an unexpected turn!! That's all I have for now, I think. I try to remember to tag you all whenever I come up with new wacky ideas 😂 I really, really appreciate this account and check it regularly for updates!! 2mo
LitsyEvents @TheAromaofBooks that's a great help. Thank you 🙂. 2mo
BookwormAHN I'm still doing #StarWarsBuddyRead and plan to do another witch swap around Halloween. I'll post details in August. 2mo
AllDebooks @BookwormAHN thanks 😊 2mo
StayCurious I host two buddy reads: #LittensLoveRomance - we vote on a different book in a different theme/trope each month and read together, usually 2 chapters a day. I also cohost #InDeathLongReadalong with @LiseWorks where we‘re reading the in death series by JD Robb, one book a month, check in once a week. 2mo
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