#BillGates #Nonfiction recommendation for #NFNov.
#business #TBR @rsteve388 @Clwojick
#BillGates #Nonfiction recommendation for #NFNov.
#business #TBR @rsteve388 @Clwojick
In the law of torts there is the maxim: Every dog has one free bite.
A man´s study reflects himself as he wishes to be seen publicly, but his journal, if he is honest, reflects something else.
The Internal Revenue Code of 1954, a document longer than "War and Peace", is phrased -inevitably, perhaps- in the sort of jargon that stuns the mind and disheartens the spirit.
#tripletuesday , thanks to @MelAnn !
1. I would say my eyes get the most comments, especially when I meet new people.
2. TBH I don't think I really have a current obsession other than what I'm always obsess with: tea, books, and unicorns
3. The most daring adventure I've done has been traveling alone as well as zip lining. I'm about to embark on a solo trip to the U.K. for 3 weeks for my new job.
Before 1900, very few new income taxes appear to have been enacted anywhere without the stimulus of a war.
Paradoxical as it may seem, the evolution of our income tax has been from a low-rate tax relying for revenue on the high income group to a high-rate tax relying on the middle and lower-middle income groups.
This preoccupation with the difficulty of getting a thought out of one head and into another is something the industrialists share with a substantial number of intellectuals and creative writers, more and more of whom seem inclined to regard communication, or the lack of it, as one of the greatest problems not just of industry but of humanity.
Any board-room sitter with a taste for Wall Street lore has heard of the retort that J. P. Morgan the Elder is supposed to have made to a naïve acquaintance who had ventured to ask the great man what the market was going to do. “It will fluctuate,” replied Morgan dryly.
I don‘t think money makes much difference, as long as you have enough.
We may see another speculative buildup followed by another crash, and so on until God makes people less greedy.
Why should I want to have a lot of copies of this and that lying around? Nothing but clutter in the office, a temptation to prying eyes, and a waste of good paper.