A really creative new world, great character development, a real page turner. Jemisin is the first Black woman to win the Hugo, and is the first person to win it 3 times for this trilogy.
A really creative new world, great character development, a real page turner. Jemisin is the first Black woman to win the Hugo, and is the first person to win it 3 times for this trilogy.
Thanks for the tag @Eggs
1- I think Nine Inch Nails' Broken album could work for Jemisin's Broken Earth Trilogy 🖤
2- Probably bookmarks or candles.
3- Sometimes, but a lot of books about women in their 40s seem to turn into unrealistic Hallmark movies but I'm really sick of reading about teenagers.
Yes!!!! NK Jemisin won a MacArthur Grant!!! She told the Times she thought it was a spam call, but instead it was a life-changing $625,000 grant.
Lesson: answer your phone? (At least if you are a multiple-Hugo award winning author)
I just ordered this beauty at my local bookstore 📚! I actually own The Fifth Season on my kindle, but I‘ve got a feeling that I will want this as a *real* book AND I love booksets!
#BlackPublishingPower #BlackOutBestsellerList #BrokenEarth #NKJemisin
A reread- even better the second time, especially right now in COVID. Focuses on a type of people who can manipulate the earth‘s crust, to do anything from changing seasons to create natural barriers in conflict. The strong female lead is a breath of fresh air in a post apocalyptic world, and the series focuses on need - whether hunger or need for an identity or need for relationships- while also identifying power relationships in times of need.