I read my first Marvel comic! Spider-Woman!
I read my first Marvel comic! Spider-Woman!
#marchintoreading day 26: #femalesuperhero
Sorry guys, a day late with this one!
I love that there are so many amazing female superheroes out there today! I've only recently read Spider Woman and the DeConnick version of Captain Marvel and they were just so much fun to read. And so are all the rest of these superheroes I've highlighted above.
How I loved this!! I first came across Spider Woman when reading Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers and Jessica Drew are best friends) and loved her badassery. And here she is in her own comic.
Also she is pregnant. And on maternity leave (from her job as a PI). So she's trying to do right by her unborn child - that means trying to dial back on the villain ass-kicking. Hard to do when your friends are all superheroes.
So Litsy doesn't have this volume in the database but it was great. Spider-Woman tries to stay out of Civil War II, being she's a new mom and that her bestie and ex are the ones at odds. She's not entirely unsuccessful and I enjoyed reading about her checking on the predictions. When the main event of Civil War II happens, her reaction is priceless. This was a great volume and a character I love more all the time. #femalesuperheroes #womenincomics
I LOVE her! I had no idea how awesome this character was in the beginning. I just thought it might be cool to run over to Barnes and Noble and check out what they had for women-led comic titles. And then this happened. Its not just the level of truth to the pregnancy and new mom stuff (except for one thing near the end), but the way she handles it. One of my new fave heroes!
Full review: http://wp.me/p6D5Ti-3SF
I was my own face on Litsy for too long. Back to comic heroes 😎
I'm without the family for a few days, so catching up with some of my favorite leading ladies and trying out a new one!
I felt the need to do another badass Jess Drew mode. This time the mom mode!
so as some of you may have seen, yesterday Frank Cho posted a frankly disgusting grossly over sexualized image of Spiderwoman. My version of fighting back against the sexism is to draw Jess kicking ass and taking names. She is a badass, a mom, and deserves so much more than a sick old man drawing her in a suit so tight her labia stick out.
Okay well I really really loved this. It was cool to see how her behaviors, opinions, and decisions changed because she was pregnant. Priorities change, and it's hard to be a working single mother to begin with...let alone a superhero working single mother. Reminds me of S5+6 of Archer when Lana is pregnant/has a kid. I recommend reading this for a unique take on motherhood from a superhero perspective ✨
I lovvveeddd this volume! Jessica Drew is amazing and the addition of her pregnancy just makes her that much more badass. Can't wait for more!
I am in tears right now after reading this and I don't necessarily know why.
Jessica Drew is a new favorite for me. Kicking ass and taking names while being pregnant? Done.
It's not every day that you see a pregnant superhero! This page made me crack up.
"I like grown people. Baby animals. I watch that bouncing internet goat video, like, three times a week. I just . . . never wanted to be a mom. You know?"