The Stars are Legion is a book that doesn't care if you're uncomfortable. It is angry, it is brutal, it doesn't need any dudes.
The Stars are Legion is a book that doesn't care if you're uncomfortable. It is angry, it is brutal, it doesn't need any dudes.
Day 11: My fave children's book. #riotgrams
Tor.com has started publishing novellas that focus on diversity. You need to check out their catalog. I've had this on my shelf since Nov and finally have the time to devote to it. First few pages are great!
I have a thing for the Tudor reign. Interesting to read a perspective about Catherine instead of her cousin Anne Boleyn. Out 4/4/17 #booksandleggings #arc #galley #nonfiction
Last book in the trilogy. Let's see how much trouble Devi can get into. #boutofbooks
Interested to see where this series is heading. I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would. #boutofbooks
This was one of those books that had such a great premise, but executed poorly. I can't place my finger on what didn't work for me. It's also my second book finished for #boutofbooks
🙌🏼 #boutofbooks
This books gets me. I'm only on page 19, but so many things I relate to. #anxiety #boutofbooks
Had my youngest spawn grab a book from the 2016 hardbacks shelf and this was his choice. #2016hardbacks #booksandleggings
I read badass ladies as a rule, but I especially reach for them while I'm sick. Drawing on their strength maybe?
This series gets better and better. Funnier and sexier. Lots of action. This one isn't even out and I'm already jonesing for 12.
There's no rest during Christmas season when you're a bookseller. I picked up this one when I was called into work on my day off. #silverlinings #literaryloot #feministfolio
🙌🏼. #sffsolstice
Newest addition to the #feministfolio. My coworker raved about this one and I couldn't resist. Also a blurb by the Bloggess rings all my bells. #literaryloot
Mostly enjoyed this book. I have some meh feelings about the world building that I need to think about, but plot and characters were interesting. I'm definitely going to see how the sequel goes.
I'm going from fantasy to sci fi. This sounded like my jam. Let's see if it fits my mood.
Definitely be on the look out for this title in 2017. Read the first in the series The Queen of Blood while you wait! Great worldbuilding with interesting characters.
A solid sequel to Winterwood. I highly appreciate Bedford's treatment of the main character Ross. She's a layered individual who doesn't always have the answers and is secure in her identity even when she's feeling vulnerable in some areas.
I wrote this book up for work and it was published in the IndieNext December newsletter.
So many freaking great panels.
This is my favorite passage in the book. #hardcoverholidays #amreading #memoirs
I'm only 37 pages in, but I identify with Glennon so hard already. I already feel the ugly cries coming on. #hardcoverholidays
I had no sushi or ramen so Doritos will have to do. #foodiebooks
Great sampling of not as well known women who have done epic things throughout history. A great place to get started before jumping into denser or more detailed research.
Trying to fit in one lady boo for Nonfiction November! Get ready for some DYK awesomeness. #nonfictionnovember #reading #feminism
As a kid born in the 1980s The Daily Show was an integral part of my adult years. No, I didn't get my news solely from Jon, but he often expressed exactly my feelings on the news, if a lot funnier and with more eloquence, although the cursing was the same. This history of his tenure was a wonderful behind the scenes look on how the show achieved that relationship with its audience.
Oh Jesus. Lewis, why did you joke about such a thing?
Omg I forgot about this segment. Exactly why I love Sam 🐝.
I'm loving this so far. The Daily Show has been such a big part of my adult life.
Right after finishing the Fall episode of the Gilmore Girls revival, I finished the last few chapters of Lauren's book. I'm experiencing all the feels right now.
Curled up on my chaise, diving into Everfair. I'm loving this cover.
Really enjoyed this! Fascinating plot, engaging characters. Loved every bit.
Omg go get this book. Hilarious and insightful. You need Negin in your life. Then check out her TedTalk.
Saw Negin Farsad at #BRLive panel called If We Aren't Laughing, We're Crying. Also am familiar with her standup. Hilarious lady, hilarious book so far. #literaryloot
I lived in Japan for four years so this is totally up my alley. Picked up at the Tor booth. #nonfiction #literaryloot #books
A rep for Tor handsold this. It's a debut from an extraordinarily talented author who is an acclaimed poet, playwright, rapper, & recording artist. I'm always on the lookout for new voices! #literaryloot #books
Today I'll be posting all the books I picked up at #BRLive so be warned! Received this ARC from Alyssa Cole herself. I can't wait to start it. #literaryloot #romance
I splurged and bought the signed copy of The Night Circus from Easton Press. Also went to LA Burdick in NYC for their chocolate mice (where Erin got the idea for them). I'm so happy right now.
Audiobook is sooo good. Girl totally made me tear up at a part of it.
The women in this collection are indeed difficult women. They are real women. They are multidimensional and flawed. As usual, Gay is able to use her talent to give distinctive voices to each woman in their respective stories. Once again I'm floored by how visceral her writing is, in the best way possible. These short stories make you feel a barrage of emotions, from discomfort to grief, to pity, to empathy and everything in between.
Really enjoyed it! Mary Balogh at her finest. I can't wait to see where this series goes.