Not sure what my November TBR is going to bring but these are the ones I'm most looking forward to!
#emojinov #📚🔜
Not sure what my November TBR is going to bring but these are the ones I'm most looking forward to!
#emojinov #📚🔜
Holy Great Pumpkin, @nomadreader your package is incredible!! Thank you so much for all the selections, you did an amazing job! I've been eyeing Battleborn at my bookstore for months 😍 The others weren't on my radar but I can tell they will be excellent fits, especially Sunshine State. Love it all, thank you again 😊❤️
Not pictured: the Lindor truffles I already started eating 🍫🙈
Look what came today!! 😍😍 Thank you @nomadreader I can't wait for Oct 31st!!!
☔️ Jane Austen and hot drinks make these rainy Chicago weekends the best. Does anyone else have books they save for cozy, rainy reading?
Although very different, I think these are both untapped sources for some excellent TV! #thisshouldbeatvseries
Other ideas not pictured include The Shadow of the Wind, The Queen of the Night, and the Six of Crows duology.
A 50¢ library sale find today, in brand new condition ? A historical satire about Nazi rule in Prague that's been floating on my TBR.
Since this is technically a #bookishwouldyourather I would technically rather to mood read, even though I never do 🙈I hardcore plan out my reading because I just can't help myself.
Today's #booksnbucks feat. my final requirement for Book Riot's 2017 Read Harder Challenge: a classic by an author of color. 100 pages in and I am fascinated by Ralph Ellison's storytelling. #currentlyreading
💢I get the majority of my books from my awesome library, but nothing beats browsing a bookstore.
🔆I am absurdly particular about the condition of my books. I like them to be pristine, with high quality paper and a new book smell.
🍀Book podcasts get me through the week.
🌀I never eat while reading. Only coffee or tea ☕️
☂️I keep a journal of my favorite quotes and TBR ideas.
"True literature itself is a flight of fancy, and appreciators of it are all too familiar with the discombobulating feeling of finishing a novel and being slightly surprised to be at home in a recliner rather than hundreds of miles-and hundreds of years-away. Above all, Footsteps' essays are for the avid reader who can travel by simply turning a page. Turn these, and they'll take you around the world."
Now that is #carpediem
Trying my hand at some #bookpairings !
Elena Ferrante Magda Szabó
Nell Zink Amélie Nothomb
And for a bonus audio option (not pictured),
The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen Swing Time by Zadie Smith
These last two are dense, complex, and sprawling novels with well-rendered narrators. Loved them both on audio! ❤️
All the #cursive books in my collection, plus one library book that I am #currentlyreading (and loving)! Happy September!
Book mail book mail book mail! 😍 Thanks Powell's Books for the sale last week. I definitely spoiled myself with a long time resident on my TBR (the title book above) and two authors whose works I've wanted to explore. Can't wait for the weekend now 🙌🏻
#bookmail #powellsbooks #translatedbooks
I absolutely loved this book, probably even more so because it was a serendipitous find at the library. Yiyun Li's writing is so lush and intimate and powerful, and I just had to buy it for that cover 😍 A top contender for favorite of 2017 for sure! #TGIFGIVEAWAY
1Q84 and Born a Crime are very close runners-up, too. (How could I only mention 1 book? 😂)
My entertainment this evening, feat. #BooknSnacks. Finally getting around to reading this and had to find a matching snack to go with 😏
This week I reached a momentous personal milestone that I've been working towards for the last three years. It's quite the achievement for me, so I decided to treat myself to a few #newbooks 😍😍 (there may or may not also be an Amazon order on the way...)
I wanted to share some of my happy vibes and wish everyone the best for their own goals. Never give up - there's always a way forward! 💪🏻😄
I've been really busy the past few weeks, so Litsy has been a little neglected lately. But I've also had some really fantastic reads, the latest of which is Lincoln in the Bardo. Really cool, experimental structure that read a little like a play. I loved meeting these characters interspersed with historical context. I would say this is less like a novel, more of an extended short story. A really well done, emotional, admirable piece of work!
Home alone tonight and decided to start these stories, but didn't realize they would be so creepy! 😳😰
(I love it) 😏
Back from my weekend in London and what do you know, I made a few new friends...
My #guiltypleasure ? Definitely all the awesome book podcasts I listen to. (The 2nd one is best for French speakers 😂)
I love anything produced by @bookriot and would also recommend some others not pictured: Book Riot - The Podcast, Slate's Audio Book Club, BBC World Book Club, What Should I Read Next? with Anne Bogel, VINTAGE Podcast, The Penguin Podcast... there are so many!!
Any other favorites out there?#marchintoreading
So so close to finishing this!! I've loved every word so far and don't want it to end. Accompanied by a rainy Sunday afternoon and a chai latte 😊
Before joining Litsy, I was so disciplined about only reading library books and never spending money ... until seeing on here everyone's book mail, personal libraries, special editions, etc. Ever since, my book buying has been out of control, so yes, I do #blameitonLitsy
But of course, no regrets 📚📚🌈😍
Unpopular opinion: I blazed my way through all 3 of these books last winter and by the time I got to this one, I was pretty over J. K. Rowling's pseudonym. I liked each of them progressively less and I was forced to come to the conclusion that my beloved J. K. Rowling is not a very talented writer. She's an excellent plotter, it's true, and HP is one of a kind....but I doubt I'll read anymore Galbraith.
#marchintoreading #didntlikeitstillfinished
My #recentnonfictionread from February.
This one is a lightning fast read with some really solid advice. It's a 🤘for me, even if I found the author a liiiiiittle bit pretentious. 🤔
I admit, I'd never heard of this book until I saw it while browsing in a French bookstore. I fell in love with this cover and just had to have it. Probably wouldn't have bought it otherwise because I hate the English language covers!
#judgedbyitscover #marchintoreading
I've been pretty quiet on Litsy lately, probably due to a slow reading month in February, but I wanted to share my TBR for March! I plan on adding a few audiobooks and library books as well, including...
The Mothers, Behold the Dreamers (audio), A Conjuring of Light (!!!), and The Mirror Thief.
First things first though: finish this Murakami behemoth!! 😂
#marchtbr #marchintoreading
Buzzfeed thinks I'm Piers Polkiss?? WHAT?! The indignity... 😤😂
33% Ravenclaw, 30% Hufflepuff, 29% Gryffindor, 8% Slytherin
Some unexpected results. I'm almost always sorted into Gryffindor but it's never felt like an accurate description. This, however, is much more like me, plus my best friend was sorted the same way! #ravenclaw #ravenpuff
A lovely afternoon in a café with hot chocolate and my current #slowread ?☕️
Another current read for me that happens to have been #publishedinthe2000s
I bought this last year but was intimidated by the length and avoided starting it. A semi-resolution for me this year is to not chicken out on long or "hard" books: I've got a number of tomes (mostly Russian) on my shelves that need to be read, this one included! A few chapters in and already enjoying it ? #readjanuary
Finally, I've been waiting forever for this ebook hold to come in!! 😍🙌
#libraryhaul #currentlyreading #weneediversebooks #nonfiction
Just powered my way through this series and Shades of Magic in a matter of days but now I am a Grisha on parem: I NEED MORE. More Kaz, more Inej, more Kell, more Lila, more action/fantasy, more fun banter 🤤
Does anyone have any suggestions? I want something engrossing and unputdownable, a world I can disappear to for a few days. By the way, if you haven't read either of those series, now is the time to run, not walk, to go find them. 📚🏃🙌
Oh, this was such a fun read! This series has really grown on me, thank god I only have to wait 2 months for the next book. This world is awesome and it's pretty rare that I get invested in romantic relationships, but I'm shipping so hard for Kell and friends and their respective budding feelings. I just love them all.
And with that, this book marks my (belated) completion of BookRiot's #readharderchallenge2016 !! 😅📚
Finished off 2016 by doing one of my favorite things: book shopping, obviously. And look how beautiful they are 😍❤❤📚❤❤😍
Happy New Year everyone!
I've been dying to get my hands on this all year 😍😍 So happy that my family tolerates my Russian/Soviet history obsession!
Pretty solid lineup of audiobooks I snagged at the library today 😎 #bookhaul
For today's #hotdrinkandabook I have hot chocolate in a very special mug... given to me by @DeborahSmall !!!
How did you know that I'd been coveting that very mug?! Wuthering Heights is my favorite book, I'm so impressed with (and happy and thankful for) your mind reading ❤️❤️I can't wait to get started on the books and candy 🍭 as well, and that tote will have its first library trip later today 📚📚
Thank you so much 😊 🎄
So lucky to have such a generous Secret Santa 😊😍 Thanks so much @DeborahSmall I can't wait to unwrap it all!!! ❤️
If anyone has some extra holiday spending money, I know just how you can use it: on this GORGEOUS set of Virginia Woolf books from Vintage Classics. I saw these in a bookstore earlier today and had to resist the immediate urge to order a set online. They were like works of art!
Just finished this and it's #inthemoodforlove for sure. This book....goodness, I have no idea what to say. It's heartbreaking and timely and relevant, yet also a deeply flawed story. I'm really, really torn about it. I'll make a list of what I think and continue in the comments.
First off, this is an impactful and powerful YA that should be talked about way more than it is. It has that golden potion that every YA novel aspires to have:
I really loved Hope Jahren's writing. She makes science, specifically biology and environmental science, so beautiful and fascinating, but what REALLY made this top notch was her and Bill's sense of humor. Their antics and Hope's squirrely jokes (no puns here, I promise) had me laughing all through the book. I came for the plants, stayed for the jokes.
In all seriousness, this will probably make my top 5 for the year. Highly recommended!
This constitutes about half of my foreign language book collection. All of these are in French, but I have others in Spanish and German as well. What can I say, I'm a language nerd 🤓
#notinenglish #seasonsreadings2016
Starting my Christmas book shopping and trying to decide on picks for my family. I didn't do that well last year so I'd like to choose better this time around, which made me think about how AMAZING it would be to have a massive database of Liberty's recommendations and book thoughts/blurbs ... am I the only one who's wished for this?? 😹😹
P.S. Would Lonesome Dove be a good pick for someone who loves Ken Follett? I'm thinking sprawling epic, etc.
My second post of David Mitchell this month, but I can't help it. (#noshame) This book had a rocky start for me but that changed dramatically by the end. It's a quirky take on the timeless tale of a boy searching for his father. In Tokyo. Among Tokyo's finest. Including the Yakuza. 😵So creative and so much fun to read! #onewordtitles #photoadaynov16
This lil' NPR blurb definitely captures the post-election mourning and fiery #overit posts that I've seen recently. All of us here know the healing, wisdom, and sense of empowerment that books can provide, so I for one am diving straight into diverse, compassionate reading. Ideally that will express my current dismay and frustration AND allow me to engage with the world in a new way.
I wish everyone the best in their own reading adventures ❤️
#booknerdproblems : signs and symptoms
1. Walking into a bookstore and saying "hello, friends!"...to the bookshelves.
2. Insane book budget calculation skills.
3. Dreaming about ideal reading nooks and beautiful home libraries.
4. Planning out literary pilgrimages.
5. The bittersweet despair of loving people and worlds you will never meet.
6. "Should I add this to my TBR, or will I only feel guilty for not ever getting to it"
I LOOOOVED this book when I first read it back in 2015. It's David Mitchell's first novel and it's just so good and different. It's hard to explain what this is about - basically the world is connected in mysterious ways - but DM's writing is incredible, engaging, intelligent, and he makes each of his characters come alive. I'm a serious fan.
My other #orangecovers shoutout: A Manual for Cleaning Women, 5 🌟all around. #photoadaynov16