Waiting for the boyfriend for pizza date night🍕 🍻 🏒 #booksandbrewsandhockey
Waiting for the boyfriend for pizza date night🍕 🍻 🏒 #booksandbrewsandhockey
Eating in my second favorite pizza place so I can read in peace. The machatunim were eating in my favorite place, and I'd've had to make small talk with them if I'd gone in.
No #booksandbrew for me tonight. Instead I'm practicing some self love. Pizza, breadsticks, soda , sweats, my favorite fall candle, and the Gilmore Girls. #photoadaynov16
When you're browsing in the bookstore and you come across this book, the urge to purchase is incredibly strong! It took all I could muster to put this book back on the shelf. It resides on my TBR list for now 😎👌🏻. This definitely qualifies as a coffee table book with all the amazing high-gloss photos inside 😋👍🏻.