Anxiety is HELLA high today between family drama and my second Covid shot in a few hours (had terrible side effects from the first one). Snuggling up with LOTR and tea, ignoring work, and pretending in far away in Bhutan.
Anxiety is HELLA high today between family drama and my second Covid shot in a few hours (had terrible side effects from the first one). Snuggling up with LOTR and tea, ignoring work, and pretending in far away in Bhutan.
It's been 15 years since I read this book but I do recall feeling inspired to put my English Lit degree to good use. I never made it to Bhutan but I spent ~5 years teaching in Korea and visited China, Japan, Vietnam and Thailand.
I stumbled upon this book before my trip to Bhutan last year and fell in love with a country and people before I even got there! The book is beautifully written and captures the magical essence of Bhutan coupled with author's unique insights on a foreign culture, far removed from her comfort zone.
Fun Friday Photo: I liked to read about books, time travel, houses, Old New York, picture books, magical realism, ghost stories, classics, Woolf, Austen, Wharton, non-gore-y mysteries, energy work, Civil War, epistolary, illustrated anything, diary/journal/memoir, travel memoir, &...