Look at people like you look at a sunset. 🌅
I'm a third of the way through a 12-hour online conference: "The Future of the Person-Centred Approach: How to Serve a Changing World" and it's been by turns intense, dull and fascinating. A bit hard for my ADHD to maintain focus when people are rambling, despite being totally focused on another person is what I do for a living (or perhaps because of ?)
“The intolerant "true believer" is a menace to any field, yet I suspect each one of us finds traces of that person in ourself.”
“I would prefer my experiences in communication to have a growth-promoting effect, both on me and on the other, and I should like to avoid those communication experiences in which both I and the other person feel diminished.”
I would prefer this, too, though sometimes it feels hard to achieve when our public discourse has become so polarised. This is one of the things I need to bring myself back to.
“When you are in psychological distress and someone really hears you without passing judgement on you, without trying to take responsibility for you, without trying to mold you, it feels damn good!”