This weeks #unreadandontheshelf is a stack of 500 page books by one of my favorite authors.
Have you read Juliet Marillier? If you have what did you think?
This weeks #unreadandontheshelf is a stack of 500 page books by one of my favorite authors.
Have you read Juliet Marillier? If you have what did you think?
Not my favorite of the trilogy- hard to like the protagonist but like that she‘s complicated
This was the book of the original Sevenwaters trilogy that I remembered the least from since I didn't love it quite as much as the first two, so it was almost like reading it for the first time! Doubly interesting to read now that at least three more books have been added with this world and family.
So aggravated. Listening to the third in a trilogy and the audio interpreter decides all the names are pronounced differently! DRASTICALLY different! Did NOBODY think to check the other volumes? Audio is a bail!!!
Books Set By the Sea:
The last book in one of my favorite trilogies. Much of this takes place in an island at sea, on ships, and also has a wonderful, melancholy, myth-redolent ending involving selkies. 🌊🐚
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