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Babette's Feast
Babette's Feast | Isak Dinesen
7 posts | 10 read | 5 to read
?And it happened when Martine or Philippa spoke to Babette that they would get no answers, and would wonder if she had even heard what they said ? Orshe would sit immovable on the three-legged kitchen chair, her strong hands in her lap and her dark eyes wide open, as enigmatical and fatal as a Pythia upon her tripod. At such moments, they realised that Babette was deep, and that in the soundings of her being there were passions, there were memories and longings of which they knew nothing at all.? Babette?s Feast is a sublime celebration of eating, drinking and sensual pleasure. In Isak Dinesen?s life-affirming short story, two elderly sisters living in a remote, god-fearing Norwegian community take in a mysterious refugee from Paris one night ? and are rewarded for their kindness with the most decadent, luxurious feast of a lifetime.
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Babette's Feast | Isak Dinesen
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Tamra I don‘t know that I‘ve read this, but I 💙💙 the film. One of my favorites. 8mo
Eggs Great cover ❤️🖤❤️ 8mo
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Babette's Feast | Isak Dinesen
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Such a soul satisfying film! I get something new out of it with every viewing. I read the short story long ago, but I think this is one of the rare instances in which the movie rivals the written word.

In the US you can rent or buy on Amazon Prime.

JamieArc I remember this being such an impacting watch years ago. Definitely need to watch again. 2y
Tamra @JamieArc yes, it‘s one of those that are rich enough to be watched again & again. 2y
LeahBergen One of my very favourite films! 💗 2y
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EvieBee A feast for the eyes! One of my faves. 2y
Cathythoughts I loved this movie too ❤️ (edited) 2y
Tamra @EvieBee @Cathythoughts I love movies about people fulfilling or at least trying to fulfill their passions. 2y
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Babette's Feast | Isak Dinesen
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The #feast at my house tomorrow will be Filipino fruit salad and lumpia. 😋

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

NataliePatalie Oooo yum 🤤 3y
Eggs Sounds feastiful ❤️❤️ 3y
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Babette's Feast | Isak Dinesen
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Great #feast books. Two of the three are in film also. #NewHogwartsAdventure
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

Are these tags supposed to be only for Hogwarts photos or did I do ok?

SilversReviews I like the design. 6y
Blueberry @SilversReviews thanks 😀 6y
vkois88 You did great!!! It's just the theme of the challenge. We want you to post any book (or other item you want) that comes to mind when you read each prompt ❤ We know not everyone has read Harry Potter or wants to only post HP pics 😊 6y
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Babette's Feast | Isak Dinesen
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Today is a day to celebrate or just get together. Babette threw out the best party and feast imaginable. #survivingdecember #celebrate

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Babette's Feast | Isak Dinesen
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@ReadingMidwife : Your choices in stories will enchant the angels! @ everyone_else: It goes like this: "Here, give this book to Mom, but hopefully you'll have time to read it first."

ReadingMidwife Oh, I want to hear more about what you thought! 8y
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Babette's Feast | Isak Dinesen
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Fun Friday Photo! I love this novella so much. I left the hard copy at my parents' house when I moved out and ended up buying the ebook on a day when I just NEEDED to re-read it. 😁

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