Weekend plans.
Trying to get through a huge stack of library books before the end of the year. Also I'm at 84 books read for 2020 and might try to make it an even 100 before December 31. That's seems probably impossible but I'm going to try anyway. Because why not? It's not like I'm going to any Christmas parties or doing anything else but sitting at home with all this extra time on my hands....
Can‘t wait to get this book started tonight! I‘ve had it on my shelf staring at me for a month
I know you shouldn‘t judge a book by its cover, but with cover art this gorgeous, I really want to fall in love with this book I‘m about to start reading. Let‘s see how it matches up!
Crissy Van Meter's Creatures is a gorgeous, winding piece of literature fiction. I listened on @scribd, and while I really enjoyed the narration and appreciated the beauty of the language, I do feel that I missed on the subtleties because of my own listening tendencies--I'm just never going to be as good at analysis with my ears as I am when reading with my eyes!⠀⬇️
Belletrist January Pick
This book made me feel EVERYTHING. My heart broke for Evie, whose mother runs away and her father an alcoholic. It was so relatable to me; my father was an alcoholic. I saw myself in her so much. I couldn't put this book down. Just still trying to process it after reading it a few weeks ago.
Day 1 of quarantine reading. They closed the library I work at for a minimum of two weeks so I plan to retreat, work on art and house projects, and READ A LOT. Basically an introverts dream, but it sucks that this had to be the reason.
How are all my other retreaters doing out there?
The best thing about the book—the cover. The story is disjointed and the writing is weird. The timeline hops around in a way that‘s hard to keep up with. I wanted more crazy mom in real-time but didn‘t get it. Oh well, I made it a little over halfway then remembered life is short and there‘s better books waiting for me. ✌️
Loved the cover, story is so sad in all of its telling. Evie lives on an island, her mom comes and goes and her father sells weed to tourists. I read the entire book and the writing is good but this book is so depressing! Evie just has to fight for herself and because of her situation she never learns what true love is and that sometimes it does last. Story jumps in time and it is sometimes very confusing. How did I finish this?