Book Nerd‘s Law: Wait for weeks, all come in at once.
LiteraryinPA Yes! That always happens! 5y
Sace Yup. But does it stop us? Nope. 5y
Prairiegirl_reading Every single time!! Does your Libby have the feature where you can choose to borrow the book or you can set it back a couple weeks? I find that really helpful. Although they usually still overlap. 🙃 5y
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britt_brooke @Prairiegirl_reading Yes, it‘s a fairly recent addition, though I‘ve never used. I should try it next time this happens! Hoping I can squeeze these in. 🥴 5y
britt_brooke @Sace Nope. Never. 5y
britt_brooke @LiteraryinLititz Always!! 😆 5y
Sace @Prairiegirl_reading I love that feature! 5y
sebrittainclark Every time 5y
Twainy So true!!! 5y
saresmoore I think this is about to happen to me, too! 5y
Prairiegirl_reading @Sace me too. 5y
Prairiegirl_reading @britt_brooke I often think that too and then scramble to finish only to end up at the back of the holds line again. 🤦🏻♀️ 5y
britt_brooke @saresmoore 😩😩 How are you doing? Baby will be here very soon, right? 💚 5y
saresmoore Yes! My guess is 3-4 weeks! I‘m hanging in, but I‘m pretty much in hibernation mode at this point. 😅 And of course, we‘re strictly self-quarantining, so there‘s much more togetherness than any of us would prefer. Ha! How are you doing? 5y
britt_brooke @saresmoore Same, except for the having a baby part. 😉 Not getting enough introvert time, but taking quarantining pretty seriously. I miss “normal” life. Hope these last few weeks go smoothly for you! 🥰 5y
Reviewsbylola Never fails!! 5y
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