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Come Again
Come Again | Robert Webb
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You cant fall in love for the first time twice . . . Kates husband Luke the man she loved from the moment she met him twenty-eight years ago died suddenly. Since then she has pushed away her friends, lost her job and everything is starting to fall apart. One day, she wakes up in the wrong room and in the wrong body. She is eighteen again but remembers everything. This is her college room in 1992. This is the first day of Freshers' Week. And this is the day she first meets Luke. But Luke is not the man that she lost: hes still a boy the annoying nineteen-year-old English student she first met. Kate knows how he died and that hes already ill. If they can fall in love again she might just be able to save him. Shes going to try to do everything exactly the same . . .
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Come Again | Robert Webb
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A bit of tram rdg last wk + also that constant daydream, what would it be like if I cd go back to university self knowing all i know now ? An enjoyable + easy rd in which that is the premise as Kate in her late 40s having been recently been widowed finds herself back in York 1992, day 1 of uni meeting luke again + her closest friends. I have a reunion in Aug in Cardiff after 40 yrs with a few uni friends. Would I go back , after this bk, big no.

Cathythoughts I love your beer mat 👍🏻 1y
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Come Again | Robert Webb
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One of my quarantine reads/listens. Robert Webb of Peep Show fame is the author, Olivia Coleman reads it. This audio book is amaaaaaaazing!!!! The book is a very sweet story. An easy read. Totally totally delightful.

Come Again | Robert Webb
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I've enjoyed audio walking with this book over the last couple of weeks. There are 3 very distinct parts to the story - a blackly funny portrait of grief, a bit of charmingly relatable nostalgia for 90s Uni life (although my Uni life was 10 years earlier) and a very British spoof spy caper. It's all fairly preposterous, but I was happy to suspend disbelief. Olivia Coleman's excellent narration was a plus. #Booked2020 #MakesYouLOL (frequently)

merelybookish Well I was in university in the early 90s so I'm intrigued! 4y
Cinfhen Lovely review! And I‘m firmly in your 80‘s days for Uni 4y
JennyM I love Olivia Colman - she can narrate pretty much anything and I‘d listen. Sounds a good read. 4y
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LeahBergen This sounds fun! Oh, and just a little heads up... there are two books from Book Depository heading your way for Christmas. 😘 4y
alisiakae I love Olivia Coleman! Great review 🎉🙌🏽 4y
CarolynM @JennyM @4thhouseontheleft She is so good in this! 4y
CarolynM @LeahBergen That's really sweet of you☺️ I'll look out for them😘 4y
Centique @CarolynM and another BD book heading your way from me 😊 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I think books that are fairly preposterous sound perfect just about now! 4y
CarolynM @Centique Thank you, lovely 😘 I'm feeling very spoilt☺️ 4y
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Come Again | Robert Webb
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I wasn't aware of Robert Webb's anti trans views (in particular his comments about Mermaids) before I started reading this. I borrowed it from Oldham library and I've donated what I would have spent on it to Mermaids....

arlenefinnigan That said, I enjoyed this. The narrator is strangely likeable - her life has fallen apart but there's a lot of very dark humour. I love campus novels so the middle part, when she returns to York Uni in 1992, is a lovely bit of nostalgia (obviously it must be even more so if you went to York Uni in the 90s). 4y
arlenefinnigan A lot of the main characters are the all-too-common-in-modern-literature high flying professionals in London - please, publishing, can we have more books about people who work in call centres in Hull or Pound Bakery? The ending is utterly ridiculous, but given the premise of the book that's probably fitting. Overall a fun enjoyable read, but borrow it from the library and donate to Mermaids. 4y
LeeRHarry @arlenefinnigan that‘ll be me! I was at York Uni from 91-95 - it‘s on my TBR 😊 4y
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arlenefinnigan @LeeRHarry my husband started at York Uni in 1992 (Wentworth, PPE). I take great pleasure in telling him that at the same time I was starting senior school and I didn't go to uni until 2000. 4y
LeeRHarry @arlenefinnigan I started in 1991 (Goodricke, Biology) - so I‘m even older! 🤣 4y
arlenefinnigan @LeeRHarry ah, I'm led to believe there was something of a rivalry between Goodricke and Wentworth 😂 4y
rockpools Yes to the call centres in Hull thing! I‘m going through a phase of convenience-store fiction at the moment, but, unsurprisingly, none of it‘s set in the UK. 4y
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Come Again | Robert Webb
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I feel seen.

Come Again | Robert Webb
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AAAAARGH all of my library reserved are coming in at once. Nicer problems to have.

arlenefinnigan @keithmalek "reading bender" love it ? 4y
keithmalek I'm sorry for the repeated comment. Litsy is giving me problems today. 4y
keithmalek I'm also not sure why autocorrect wants to change got to forgot. 4y
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LeeRHarry I need to get to this one as it‘s set at the university I went to, at the time I went there even! 😊 (edited) 4y
arlenefinnigan @LeeRHarry yeah my husband was at York at the same time, so I'm taking great pleasure in pointing out that 1992 was the year I started secondary school 4y
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