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DIY MFA: Write with Focus, Read with Purpose, Build Your Community | Gabriela Pereira
Get the Knowledge Without the College! You are a writer. You dream of sharing your words with the world, and you're willing to put in the hard work to achieve success. You may have even considered earning your MFA, but for whatever reason--tuition costs, the time commitment, or other responsibilities--you've never been able to do it. Or maybe you've been looking for a self-guided approach so you don't have to go back to school. This book is for you. DIY MFA is the do-it-yourself alternative to a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing. By combining the three main components of a traditional MFA--writing, reading, and community--it teaches you how to craft compelling stories, engage your readers, and publish your work. Inside you'll learn how to: Set customized goals for writing and learning. Generate ideas on demand. Outline your book from beginning to end. Breathe life into your characters. Master point of view, voice, dialogue, and more. Read with a "writer's eye" to emulate the techniques of others. Network like a pro, get the most out of writing workshops, and submit your work successfully. Writing belongs to everyone--not only those who earn a degree. With DIY MFA, you can take charge of your writing, produce high-quality work, get published, and build a writing career.
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Squee! I had a piece published on DIYMFA.com! Light up your writing muse with the five creativity exercises I shared. Click here to read on: https://diymfa.com/writing/creativity-exercises-to-fire-up-your-muse

Have a great weekend playing with your muse!

UwannaPublishme Way to go! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
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Finishing this up during lunch today!📖😊

#writersoflitsy #writelife

LeticiaToraci Is this good? Love books about writing. 5y
Charityann @LeticiaToraci I enjoyed it. It gives writing tips and also guides you through the stuff you would do in school to earn a Master of Fine Arts degree. 5y
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1. Nemesis with Joan Hickson as Miss Marple
2. Star Trek, definitely, and Marvel, maybe
3. Scotland
4. Mystery
5. English

#premondayvibes @pepsicola

rretzler I‘m also a big mystery fan (and sci-fi too) and I love StarTrek and Marvel movies! Can‘t wait until Endgame! Purchased our tickets for opening night yesterday! 5y
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I enjoy the fact that Pereira acknowledges that there is no “cookie cutter” method to being a writer within the first few pages, she stresses individuality from the get go.

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A bit of a let down. Unfairly harsh on real MFAs and tried to do way too much in too short a book. Ended up covering too many topics with no real depth. The number of times you are offered bonus materials (which should have been in the book) if you join her e mail list was annoying as were too many forced acronyms. I quite liked her application of the scientific method to writing styles but that was not enough to carry this book.

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Tonight I‘m celebrating the fact that I finished a complete draft of a short story for the first time in years, and sent it off to be workshopped. I‘m so happy to be back writing just for me.

mreads Congratulations 👍 6y
LauraJ Great work! It‘s so hard to start writing again. 6y
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As far as instructional-type books go, this one is surprisingly engaging and reader friendly. I especially liked the section on reading. If you've ever thought about getting in an MFA program, this is definitely worth a read. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything after reading this. 🤓

Kaylamburson I went to a workshop with the author, and she was great. Love her concept! 6y
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This book gives encouragement and the nudge that you need to write. I made myself read it because I stopped myself from writing. I felt like my work was terrible. No matter how hard I tried it was not good enough. Yes, I can say that I wanted to give up. The reality is that I could not. It‘s in my blood and under my skin. I am a writer and have always been one. #diymfa #gabrielapereira

BookishMarginalia I always tell my students who want to be writers: writers write. No matter what or how or why, writers write. 7y
Violetsunrise84 @BookishMarginalia That is the truth. 👍 7y
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Like this! I have always used "perfect practice makes perfect," but this is so much more the point.

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Okay, I went to the website she mentions and it is seriously fun. I love prompts and this is a fun generator. Diymfa.com/writer-igniter

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I've been reading this book in small bites, and thankfully whenever I open it I find something truthful, funny, or inspiring.

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😂 seeing this written in this way just made my day.

CynCruz23 I'm loving these quotes! gonna stop by my local bookshop to see if they have this in stock 👍😁📚 8y
RebeccasReading @CynCruz23 I hope you like it! I'm still reading it and so far it has been incredibly helpful- one of the best writing books I've read. 8y
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Seriously? So much wisdom in this book! I wish I had adopted this particular mindset years ago!

Megabooks That is wonderful! 8y
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I'm really enjoying DIY MFA, and I love what she says here, because it's so true! I'm expecting and buying a house right now - of course my writing life has taken a hit. I feel like it's OK that I haven't met all of my summer writing goals, although I wish I had come to that conclusion on my own.

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Sitting on a bench on a perfect summer day getting ready to delve into this that I just got thanks to stalking Writergal's home screen:)

RebeccasReading Hope you like it @Autumn ! 8y
AmyWrites I can't wait to hear your review of this, Autumn... 8y
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I have to admit, part of me would love to go get an MFA in writing. But, the thought of all the debt is scary enough to make me reconsider and read this instead. So far, I think it's really informative.

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DIY MFA 101 takes you step-by-step through cultivating an idea, a work ethic, and a finished piece. You keep coming back to it. Finish one project with the book by your side and begin another with the book still by your side.

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