Snort-laughed when I saw this on Twitter and had to share it! 😂
Snort-laughed when I saw this on Twitter and had to share it! 😂
Holy Christmas, Batman. Guys - I'm friggen beat. I've been working 12+ hour days for the last 2 weeks. I'm a chef and run a kitchen and I'll tell ya what, Christmas time is a ridiculous season for us in the hospitality business. I still have tomorrow & Christmas eve to work, will get the 25 and 26th off & then it's right back into it.
This was a heckuva lot easier when I was younger. 🤣
I'm not complaining, love what I do - but boy...I'm tired.
Best rock 'n roll biography out there! Written by his ex and told from many perspectives, it's not the usual sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll saga. Zevon was a writer and reader, a lover of literature.
Last minute #musicandbooks #AugustPhotoChallenge Part II! As you can see, I am interested in the stories and myths we tell about rock and roll - both in the songs and the people. Rock music seems uniquely suited for "oral history," too. These are just my paperbacks - I have a number of hardcovers as well!