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Chocolate Wars
Chocolate Wars: The 150-year Rivalry Between the World's Greatest Chocolate Makers | Deborah Cadbury
9 posts | 4 read | 7 to read
The delicious history of rival chocolate companies and their fascinating dynasties--the Lindts, Frys, Hersheys, Mars, and Nestles-- told by a descendant of the Cadbury family
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Chocolate Wars by Deborah Cadbury was a fascinating read (the author is related to Cadbury family, but not the chocolate-making branch). Meticulously researched, this book talks about process of creating chocolate as we know it today, and Quacker values that were the foundation of the company. The author touches on Hershey and Mars companies as well. And finally we arrived to acquisition of Cadbury by Kraft. Five stars.

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Found this in the Houston airport. ✈️

5feet.of.fury Slim pickings 1y
RebelDevlin420 We have them spread around our town. in the summer snacks and juices are added in for the kids to take when they get a book. 1y
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This book was really interesting. I hadn't realized that Kraft and Nestle have a virtual monopoly on chocolate now. This was both a microhistory of sorts, and a family history. Deborah Cadbury is a distant cousin to the chocolate-making Cadburys, so her perspective was interesting. I also didn't know much about the history and manufacture of chocolate. The book was very informative.

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I started reading a book about the chocolate business, and couldn't resist getting some chocolate. Also candy.

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So I went with the artist this time... Phil Collins is in the gorilla suit! Enjoy the ad! https://youtu.be/kAOZ14Tjg7A

#EasyLover #AnglophileApril @Cinfhen @Mdargusch @emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola

Mdargusch Love it! 6y
Cinfhen That was hilarious 😂😂🤣 good one 6y
emilyhaldi Very creative this morning!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Reviewsbylola 🍫🍫🍫🤤🤤 6y
gradcat I always love to see a gorilla on the drums—love it!! 🦍 🥁 🥰 6y
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Day 18 - #candy #blackcatchallenge

Did you know there are chocolate wars between the chocolate makers? My husband works for Mid-Atlantic Packaging and they make display boxes for Hershey. The company had to take the Mars candy bars out of their candy machine before Hershey gave them their business. Hershey pays my bills that‘s why I eat Hershey chocolate!

Dolly Maybe fun size isn‘t so much fun after all 6y
Mdargusch I‘m not that surprised. Pepsi and coke are like that too. 6y
Rissa1 I lived in a town with an Anheuser-Busch distributor and knew a few drivers. They could lose their job if seen drinking or buying another companies products. 6y
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arubabookwoman My dad‘s father died when he was 4 (1930) and he went to the Hershey School which took in impoverished children. He graduated valedictorian and worked his way through college. He had fond memories of the school (although he often told us how hard they had to work-milking cows and such), so our family always chose Hershey. 6y
tracey38 Wow, though I guess I'm not really surprised. 6y
EadieB @tracey38 The man who started Mars Candy Company worked at Hershey‘s and left to start his own chocolate business and that‘s what started the competition. 6y
EadieB @arubabookwoman Nice story! Do you live in Aruba now? 6y
EadieB @Rissa1 That‘s interesting! 6y
janeycanuck Back when they still made devices, my company lost BlackBerry‘s business when we started allowing employees the choice between iPhones or BlackBerries. We went all-iPhone not long after. 6y
arubabookwoman @EadieB My dad went to Aruba in 1948 and met my Mom there. I was born and raised there and lived there until I was 16 and Dad was transferred to London. I have lived in the US since I came here to go to college, but Aruba is the “home of my heart.” Of course it is v. different now than when I lived there-no tourists then! 6y
EadieB @arubawoman Interesting! Thanks for your story! I‘ve been there a couple of times! I liked it there and the pastel buildings in the downtown are so pretty! 6y
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Deborah Cadbury tells the story of her predecessors' #familyaffair - the Cadbury family chocolate empire. She also looks at their rivals, many of whom were also Family firms with strong Quaker convictions.

#augustgrrrl @Cinfhen

Cathythoughts Yum. I saw this recently: " forget about love , I want to fall in chocolate " (edited) 7y
Cinfhen Looks good 😊 7y
rockpools @Cathythoughts Ha! Makes absolute sense to me 😋 7y
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#TBRTuesday The August plan is to clear some of the tbrs that have been lurking round for years. Planning on *only* reading books off my shelves for the month, and considering a speed-dating-type-thing (inspired by @ReadingEnvy ) because *really* need to make some space!

ReadingEnvy Speed dating is the best! On Friday I'm donating the books that I discarded this way the last few months 8y
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