These are so popular with young graphic novel/manga readers. It is a very simple story of a kitten and his family.
These are so popular with young graphic novel/manga readers. It is a very simple story of a kitten and his family.
I bought this book I think 4 or 5 years ago and never read it. Recently while going through boxes I found it and it has been on my mind for the past few day‘s. I think I may need to read it now.
This book is adorable. I would definitly rate it 5 out of 5. So CUTE!😄😄😄
My friend just sent me an adorable Chi gift set! 😻I can‘t wait to put all three of these items to good use.
I kept thinking of this kitten face after I saw it at B&N so I grabbed this chunk of cuteness. Vintage Garfield approves,I think.Coupon pushed me over the edge.😻
It looks like Chi is a member of #KAL. 😂 So far I'm really enjoying this adorable book. I'm going to have to pick up the other volumes so I can see more of little Chi's adventures.
@hyperhawlk and I exchanged gifts today. She got me a fun Star Wars cookbook, an ADORABLE looking manga about a kitten, and an ice cream cozy. I'm not sure which I'm most excited about! ❤❤
I had to see what an Amazon bookstore looked like and I had no intention of buying anything but this book called to me! I couldn‘t resist the kitty cuteness!!
This was an adorable and easy read for my first foray into manga. It made me miss my cats even more than I did before though!
My sister got me this book for Christmas and it is freakin adorable!!! I read all 478 pages in one sitting. Chi is the best kitten ever. She's always doing cute, curious, feisty kitten things. The fact that her family isn't supposed to have pets in their building makes her antics even funnier. Let's not forget her big bear-cat friend who's always hanging out and scaring everyone. Everything about this book is fabulous!!! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Got two books from my sister for Christmas. This is one of them. I'm super excited to read it. It looks so cute!