A lot of valuable info, but much of it felt like a rerun for me. Anybody curious about the in and outs of a public library? Enjoy! I think this could be a good resource, first look for a young adult looking to get into public librarianship. 1/?
A lot of valuable info, but much of it felt like a rerun for me. Anybody curious about the in and outs of a public library? Enjoy! I think this could be a good resource, first look for a young adult looking to get into public librarianship. 1/?
Faith in humanity restored: nice to know things found in the book drop aren't always horrifying.
My #bookhaul from my weekly (as it's turning out) visit to the library. Several were referenced in a previous book about books, Reading Allowed, and others were ones I picked up while browsing the new book stacks.
Ottens's librarian experiences will be familiar to those in the profession and may be at least an interesting glimpse to those who are not; either way this is a quick read with warmth.
Tonight‘s light reading from the author of the Librarian Problems blog.
What training/experience you'll need or try to get, what schooling, the difficulties inherent in breaking into a field with less open positions than existing people with degrees/experience looking for jobs, the ups and downs associated with any department/position within a library: circulation, reference, collections, tech support, youth/children services, director... 1y