September book haul
This book 💕 I never knew this place existed and that I have walked past the building so many times! I want to go to the Melbourne museum asap 🙂 The puzzles were excellent and I loved the slight Jumanji feel. What a wonderful surprise 🌈🌟🌟🌟🌟.5
Book haul! On a family holiday at the moment and we picked up these gorgeous titles in the local bookshop 📚💕😊
Calling ... Cork to New Zealand !!! Hello Paula ! Thankyou so much my lovely friend! I‘m currently munching on chocolate raspberry balls...
Admiring the endpapers of my beautiful hardback book that I will be dying to share with my granddaughter.. ( better keep some of the chocolate for her too ... ) Thankyou so much , I‘m delighted 😀 Yay 🎉everything arrived XXX thanks Paula ! And the hands need attention from all the washing ,nice one 👍🏻❤️
I‘m slightly obsessed with books set in the 1890s and this cover is gorgeous... is the logic I‘m assuming I applied in the bookshop when I bought this...
and the whole shop local, shop small thing - yup yup yup!