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Anxious: Choosing Faith in a World of Worry | Amy Simpson
2 posts | 1 read
Millions of people in our society, even Christians, are frantic with worry. But we are called to live with joy and contentment, trusting God with the present and the future. Amy Simpson shares with us that worry is a spiritual problem, which ultimately cannot be overcome with sheer willpowerits solution is rooted entirely in who God is.
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What a question! Thanks for the tag, @dabbe I am a constantly anxious ball of nerves so this one is meaningful lol

1. Knit or crochet
2. Sudoku
3. A long run (nothing turns off my brain like being physically exhausted)


I‘ll be looking at #tlt this week for new ideas for stress busting!

CatLass007 I find that stroking the fur of a purring cat is exceptionally soothing. And if you‘re allergic or are a dog person, having a puppers to cuddle with can also be wonderful. 8mo
Larkken @CatLass007 ahhh very true! My number 3 is honestly probably tied with taking my dog on a long walk. He takes so much joy in it that it‘s hard to be stressed! 8mo
dabbe Love all 3! And like you, I'm getting some great ideas from fabulous Littens to reduce stress. Thanks for sharing! 🧡🖤💜 8mo
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You guys! My library holds are already coming in... eeeeek! Is it too early to start? I'm ready to get those points!!! 🤗🤗🤗

#WinterGames #TeamGameSleighers @StayCurious

Laughterhp I know! A bunch of my holds are coming in too! I can‘t wait to start them. 3y
cwarnier I guess I have to more christmas books to add to my list if books to read. 3y
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