My physical and audio TBR for Dewey‘s Reverse Readathon! I‘m so excited!
My physical and audio TBR for Dewey‘s Reverse Readathon! I‘m so excited!
My “next up” stack! Books 65-67.
This is a reread for me. I can recall reading it the first time with precise clarity. I walked around the bookstore with this book in hand. Not yet purchased, but with full awareness that I was not leaving without it. It was already important. From the first page, it was already of essence...a need in the language of artful living. I sat in the back corner of my favorite indie bookstore, a space filled with the books that no one came to visit.👇🏽
“There is only one loneliness, and it is vast, and hard to bear, and almost everyone has moments when they would so much rather trade it for a feeling of community, no matter how cheap and trivial -for the illusion of even a slight harmony with any unworthy substitute that comes along...”
“The future is stationary, my dear Mr. Kapppus; it is we who are moving in infinite space”
“I want to ask you, dear sir, as best as I can, to have patience with everything that is still unresolved in your heart; try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms, like books written in a truly foreign language. Don‘t look for the answers now: they cannot be given to you yet because you cannot yet live them, and what matters is to live everything.”
I love that this edition includes the other side of the conversation