This book was fun with some history Hollywood references & the author‘s own creativity sprinkled in to keep the novel moving.
This book was fun with some history Hollywood references & the author‘s own creativity sprinkled in to keep the novel moving.
Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
UGH my heart is literally gushing!! I thought I was picking up a book about unwanted family secrets riddled with Hollywood drama but instead I found a story of love, romance, family sacrifice, passion, and so much more. A true summer read that kept me up way past my bedtime with zero regrets. I cannot recommend enough!
#bookreview #netgalley #arc #asummertoremember #erikamontgomery
#CurrentlyReading in order to tackle my NetGalley TBR. Sitting at about half way and can honestly say that I am not mad about picking up this read. More thoughts to come 📖❤️
#NetGalley #BookReviews
It all starts when a mysterious package is delivered. A story of secrets, heartbreak, and hope.
I really loved this one! I had preconceived notions that this would be a sweet romance, and while there is some of that, there‘s so much more. I won‘t go into too much detail here (please see my GR review if you‘d like to know more), but it‘s a story about multiple topics…losing a sense of oneself due to a spouse‘s decisions, gut-wrenching decisions made for those we love, discovering good/bad family history that was kept 🔻