To be basic or bougie, that is the question. ☕️
To be basic or bougie, that is the question. ☕️
An absorbing narrative of the lives of three Indiana workers after their factory shuts down and their jobs disappear. It‘s a story about race, class and American values and how it‘s all intertwined with capitalism, politics and social justice.
Prompt: “Goodbye, Earl”
So many of my 2022 favorites were non-fiction. Not normal at all for me!
This was a fascinating exploration of people who worked for a closed factory in Indiana in the years after the 2016 US election.
This was an incredible book. The author followed three people from a closed factory in Indiana made famous when President Trump tweeted about it. The book which covered the former president‘s administration really looked at the issues faced by factory workers in a way you won‘t see on the news no matter what channel you watch. Highly recommend.
Excellent reporting of the human impact of a factory closing in Indiana. I loved that Stockman, as a liberal, juxtaposes Democratic ideals with its impacts on labor. By following three different factory workers, we are given a wider view of the world than what we had when we begin the book. Excellent. (And that is my 100th book of the year, 5 years running!!!)