February wasn't a very good month for me. I had no 5 ⭐ reads, but the tagged was a 4 ⭐ for me.
February wasn't a very good month for me. I had no 5 ⭐ reads, but the tagged was a 4 ⭐ for me.
Finished the tagged book last week.
About 60% done with “Righteous Prey“ and should have that done by or on Thanksgiving.
I don't have listed here, but I do have about 4 small Christmas books I want to get through and then start “A Blizzard of Polar Bears“ on Sunday.
#WeeklyForecast #BookReport
A solid but ultimately forgettable entry into this series. I'm really enjoy Lucas Page's mind and will follow up with the next entry.
I will say, I kept thinking to myself that I had seen this premise on a TV show at one time. I still don't know what TV show but it was similar up to the end of the book to that TV episode.
I am now waiting for book 3 in this series from the library and I will be caught up.
I really enjoy Dr Page and it makes me realize I need to get caught up on Lincoln Rhymes series.
Definitely recommend for those that like mysteries like the Rhymes series!
Finally finished “Ballistic“ this past week (when it comes to how long it took me to finish-well, it's me not the book) and have delved into another mystery/thriller book for this week. Up next is a financial guide that finally came in to the library.
#Bookreport #WeeklyForecast
Here‘s to getting another book off my NetGalley queue. This was disappointing on multiple levels. The core mystery was painfully predictable. There were elements that took longer to play out, but even those were easily guessed long before the Big Reveal. The whole book was hokey and clichéd. The only positive is that it unfolds at a breakneck pace and now it is over.
“meat-e-orite” 🤣🤣
I know you aren‘t supposed to quote from an ARC, but this has to be the best line from an otherwise disappointingly predictable “thriller”. It would be criminal to remove it.
Another great Lucas Page Book.
Doctors are doing and Lucas is the only one that sees them as homicides. Soon, his wife, Erin is targeted and that changes everything.
Comes out August 9, 2022
Action Packed. Fast Paced. But, I did it again. I read the second book in a series first. It didn't matter though. I had no problem following along.
Under Pressure is a solid thriller. I feel kind of bad because I think in a different time or a different mental place, I could have loved this, but there were just things that irritated present-day me a little too much. Sorry for the full review in the image, but I couldn‘t think of how to condense it. My first book by Pobi and I would certainly read more. 4/19 down for #NetGalleyReviewathon
I 💖 #bookmail, especially from one of my favorite publishers. 🤩
#arc #minotaurbooks