Finished this evening. I do like this series, it‘s fun and light.
Finished this evening. I do like this series, it‘s fun and light.
As I have taken to listening to audio books at night i have chosen this one the replace many waters. Vampires are more my thing!
:) I need to read or listen to more!!!
#bookishbingo #audiobookbingo
So being stuck in traffic today (while running errands) made finishing this book possible! So, initially I was thinking this isn't as good as the other two I had read (I Want a Vampire for Christmas and How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire), I mean I felt like the love story was too quick. The madly in love with each other just didn't seem plausible (but vampires existing totally is), but then.... THE ENDING! threw me for a loop and I loved it!!!
Ooo feeling naughty listening to this at work :) Taking a quick break between patient care (already been yelled at too much today)
So I loved the first one (and then I read the 5th one during Christmas)... I saw it was available in Libby and then the hold came in so soon! So I am gonna try to up my listening game (since I just started a different one too!!)
Starting this gem tonight!!! How many more books to go??? Haha
I'm finishing the first book in the Love At Stake series tonight and starting this one right after (its the second one in the series). I'm going to do my best to get through this whole series without reading anything else..... will I do it, time will only tell!! Haha!