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Walking with Sam
Walking with Sam: A Father, a Son, and Five Hundred Miles Across Spain | Andrew McCarthy
16 posts | 12 read | 4 to read
"When Andrew McCarthy's eldest son began to take his first steps into adulthood, McCarthy found himself wishing time would slow down. Looking to create a more meaningful connection with Sam before he fled the nest, as well as recreate his own life-altering journey decades before, McCarthy decided the two of them should set out on a trek like few others: 500 miles across Spain's Camino de Santiago. Over the course of the journey, the pair traversed an unforgiving landscape, having more honest conversations in five weeks than they'd had in the preceding two decades. Discussions of divorce, the trauma of school, McCarthy's difficult relationship with his own father, fame, and Flaming Hot Cheetos threatened to either derail their relationship or cement it. WALKING WITH SAM captures this intimate, candid and hopeful expedition as the father son duo travel across the country and towards one another"--
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This was a great audio book read by father and son about their walking trip in Spain. #FoodAndLit #Spain

mcctrish I really enjoyed this 2mo
Catsandbooks Fantastic! 🇪🇸 2mo
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A gorgeous book about parenting a new adult AND a travelogue of a second Camino. There were a few moments where I wished AM and Sam were more aware of their privileges; but in all AM is incredibly emotionally aware and it makes for compelling reading.

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I especially enjoyed these audiobooks in 2023:

CHAIN-GANG ALL-STARS by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah
HELLO, MOLLY! by Molly Shannon
WALKING WITH SAM by Andrew McCarthy
BAD CREE by Jessica Johns

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I have always loved AM and this book just adds to my love for him. It‘s about his Camino trip with 19 yr old Sam. His second walk, Sam‘s first. It‘s about the Camino as much as it is about parenting and I had tears at the end. Sam says at the end the Camino is the only 10/10 in his life this far. Being a mom is my 10/10, not for the faint of heart just like the Camino

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Getting some audio Lego-ing in ❤️❤️

Texreader 😃👍🏻 7mo
RaeLovesToRead Audio Lego-ing! Yes! Great combo! 7mo
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My local library was hacked and all computer systems were down for more than 2 weeks. I‘ve been without an audio book since I finished Hidden Valley Road 😢😢 I am legit addicted to audio books for motivating myself to do the adulting and letting myself Lego

ChaoticMissAdventures OMG people suck! What is the point of hacking a library? Glad you got access back. 7mo
mcctrish @ChaoticMissAdventures the Toronto library has been down since October - rumour has it it‘s some Russian gang and they want money to reinstate it so we were worried it was the same thing here 7mo
IndoorDame Hacking a library seems extra wrong! (Also if you‘re doing it for ransom a library is not a target that‘s actually going to be able to pay) 7mo
mcctrish @IndoorDame I know, right?! 7mo
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This morning‘s walk as Andrew McCarthy reads his book to me.

BarbaraBB Wow that looks like summer 8mo
RealLifeReading @BarbaraBB that‘s california weather for you! 😀 8mo
BarbaraBB I envy you! 8mo
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Since I couldn‘t do #DeweysReadathon last weekend, I‘m doing it today, and having the loveliest reading time!

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While the story of the memoir was interesting I didn't find the writing compelling.

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Replicating a solo trip he took at age 30, Andrew McCarthy walked across Spain with his 19 year old son and chronicles their trip here. Sam is SUCH a teenager, so I wanted to throttle him most of the time, but McCarthy‘s writing is enjoyable and makes for a fun book.

vivastory Andrew McCarthy recently had a live event here which sold out. It is pretty rare for readings to sell out. They often get pretty full, but I think I have only been to a handful of sold out readings in KC 13mo
Hooked_on_books @vivastory I would for sure go to a reading by him! He was a major movie star at one point. I‘ve always had a soft spot for him. 13mo
vivastory I think it would have been fun. One of the best live events I ever attended was right after Bryan Cranston released his memoir. He spoke for hours! 13mo
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As a dad I really enjoyed and appreciated this book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I deleted this post by mistake.McCarthy walks the Santiago de Compostela trek with his oldest son Sam.He walked it alone in his early thirties and the experience gave him an “internal baseline from which to go forth in the world”.He now hopes the walk will guide him and Sam as they transition into a father-adult-son-relationship.Beautifully written impressions on nature,thoughts on parenting&author‘s memories.Honest,relatable,intimate memoir

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“…friend suggested he listen to Hemingway‘s The Old Man and the Sea. …” ugh. I‘ve read it twice and it totally annoys me when I read this because I want to hate that book. I get it, or I think I do. But ugh! Blessings to those who adore the book and blessings to those who find the author a misogynist asshat. Yep. I guess I‘m annoyed about the holding of these two thoughts together at once. Such is this messy complicated life.

BkClubCare OMG page 96 has me cracking up! 😂 1y
BkClubCare (The quote of this post is page 95 - proof that this book is goodness all over the place!) 1y
BkClubCare “We all justify what we need to justify,” I say. 1y
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Hooked_on_books I hated that stupid fish book, too! 👨🏼‍🦳🐠🤮 1y
Billypar I wonder if reading the book via the purring of Donald Sutherland affects the experience? 😹 1y
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I‘m going to meet Andrew McCarthy tomorrow!!!! Squeeeeee!!!!

DivineDiana Have fun! 1y
Hooked_on_books Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!! I‘m so envious! 1y
Anna40 How was it? What is he like? 13mo
BkClubCare @Anna40 - it was fun. He seems down to earth, very nice. A regular kind of guy 😂 13mo
Anna40 @BkClubCare I got that impression of him from his book but you never know :). Sounds like a great evening! 13mo
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I wasn‘t sure what to expect with the book but walking the Camino de Santiago with his son sounded interesting. What I got was honesty, reflection, and a father and son‘s cherished memory. Loved every page.

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As the mother of a now 28 year old son, I related to so many of the conversations, challenges, and moments that Andrew and Sam had, laughing out loud at some, smiling at others, and being a part of the emotions shared between the two. What I appreciated was the fact that both men grew within themselves and in their relationship with each other. I hope this heartfelt journal of their time on the Camino will inspire you as much as it inspired me.

Texreader Lovely review. I just snapshot the book description and sent it to husband. Our son is 17. Perhaps they should take this hike. They are going on some adventures in Norway the end of this month though, hiking the 7 mountains around husband‘s hometown of Bergen and a couple of other hikes. I love that they love doing this together. 1y
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