Random pick.
This was just hard to follow and didn‘t keep my interest the whole way through. It was strange but not in a way that made me want to keep reading. Interesting concept, I just didn‘t care for the writing at all.
Our local bookstore does this really cute thing where they take there sale books, wrap them in cute paper and write a little blurb about them on the front. What a great idea! #books #dateabook #booksurprise #localbookstore
Loved it. Totally not for everyone, but it really connected with me. Beautiful writing, intricate and twisty plot.
This book is so odd, yet it's sucking me in and I'm in love with it. Also, who hasn't wanted to say this at some point??
By the end, I was loving this. I loved the beginning too. There were moments in the middle where I wasn't loving all the plottiness, but overall, this is a super-smart exploration of mothers and daughters, memory and identity.
It's been awhile since I listened to an audiobook but I am in the mood again. And since I loved The Folded Clock so very much, I thought I'd give Julavits's fiction a try.
Of course I left out a day after all that!
Day 24: books + stationery
This is my journal that I use to track my monthly TBR and books read. I've never read this book, because I bought it only because of the cover. I don't even know what it's about!
#augustofpages #bookphotochallenge #bookwormproblems