HIDDEN FIGURES got me like 😢😢😢 and I'm just in the prologue.
HIDDEN FIGURES got me like 😢😢😢 and I'm just in the prologue.
Important question: where is the other half of Toni Morrison's necklace?
Want a one sitting novel that packs a great emotional punch? This is it.
Finally pressed "order" on my longstanding shopping cart and I couldn't be happier. Good timing. #internationalwomensday
Nice library haul today. Human Acts was tough for me on audio (wonderful but hard) so I'm switching to print.
Sometimes all it takes is a title to get me interested. (Though a blurb from Kevin Kwan doesn't hurt.) #bookmail Thanks @flatironbooks!
If you'd like a self-deprecating and hilarious personal essay of youthful exploits blown up to fill memoir size, this is exactly where you should go. Schuman writes for Slate and you can tell she's written about herself in the Internet a lot, there are zingers right and left. If you (like me) don't care much about Germany, don't worry, this book will still work for you. A fun and light read.
Almost done with January #retrorereads. I read this book more than 20 times growing up so each chapter is a weird form of deja vu.
In many ways I liked this more than the Southern Reach books thanks to a stronger emotional core. If you want a dystopia so dystopian it's more like chaos plus giant monster bears and feral mutant children, well have I got a book for you.
This review is actually for Volume 1, with the first 4 issues, released this week. Snarky, smart, action packed, diverse af. I raced through it without stopping and I want more ASAP.
Hit the library before it closed for the holidays. First one off my hold list.
Yaaaasssss book mail! If you like thrillers, horror, and generally dark and twisted you should read Minato's CONFESSIONS and get ready for this one coming in April!
I wasn't sure I'd be able to do a dystopia right now but here we are. At least I'm safe in Butler's hands.
I have been catching up on 2016 releases so this one sat on my shelf for a while but I opened it today after hearing raves from @Pronounced_ing. And OH MY GOD. I struggle with true crime, with the way writers play up other people's pain for entertainment. This is the exact opposite. A journey into the emotion and the pain. I cannot stop reading it. @flatironbooks
Today's library haul. Genre fiction sounds perfect right now. Both have been in my to-read list for ages.
My 2nd grader gets jealous of my book mail so when I get pitched books at his reading level I let him pick one. This is his newest choice, from @skyhorse_publishing. I'll update with his review!
An ending. Hopefully a beginning. Tough day glad I have my books.
The story was interesting but the writing irked me. The rhythm felt off. Some great twists, but a very slow build and one twist in particular was painfully obvious and took far too long to happen. But the bones are good and I read it very quickly.
Ignored this book for no good reason. Then when I heard the plot summary I knew I had to pick it up. A novel about a nurse who is summoned to watch a girl who claims she's gone months without eating through a miracle.
My road trip listening for this weekend.
I gave it a very good go. I'm not far from the end, but I'm over it. But I kept waiting for it to get good and it never did. If you bailed on Grisham, don't worry, you don't need to come back yet.
My good library luck continues. Been meaning to read this for months, now it's clear I should've gotten to it sooner. Wow, it's a stunner.
Sped through this book in a day. Great suspense, relationship drama, book club friendly. A wonderful surprise.
Brought 3 books home from my new library. This one is the clear winner. Can't stop reading.
Got myself a moving in present today. Written by a very serious Colson Whitehead when he appears to have been about 14.
I have been told that Grisham got good again. I am skeptical but I'm giving it a try.
Unpacking the books. Asking myself the big important questions.
Better get moving for book club tomorrow!
It is really hard to find this kind of book: a detailed analysis of a criminal trial, specifically The People vs. OJ Simpson. If you loved HELTER SKELTER, this will hit some of the same buttons. Toobin is often totally out of journalistic mode and seems to have problems putting aside his strong dislike of basically everyone. But I still couldn't stop.
Look what I'm giving away today! It's over in the blog with some light and fun book club picks. Dontmindthemess.com
My daily cry for the last week has come from this spectacular memoir. One of my favorites of the year. The audio cannot be missed.
I kept waiting for this book to pick up and it never quite did. Bohjalian does his usual, finding one thing to build his story around, and what I learned about sleepwalking was extremely interesting, but the plot didn't move enough to keep me excited.
For me this is a meh but for the genre it's quite good. It was unpredictable, it was different, it felt fresh. I kept reading it because I think it'll be a great pick for my mom and I love recommending books to her. Even if I didn't love it, that's more a me thing. Can solidly recommend.
I say this is for the kids, but really it's for me. The final installment in the spectacular Hat series. The first two have been adored in our house from day 1.
Book mail! A mix of true crime and memoir coming in 2017, I'm intrigued...
Definitely one of the strongest horror novels I've read. Great character development, strong mythology, solid writing. This isn't a creep you out kind of book, as you learn from the first chapter. This is a horror novel where the consequences are troubling. It's not a fun read. The stakes are high. But it's worth it. Audio also recommended.
Fans of SIMON VS THE HOMO SAPIENS AGENDA will be happy to learn that THE UPSIDE OF UNREQUITED has many of the same warm fuzzy feels of Albettalli's first book. Molly is a serial crush-er, the fat brunette twin to a thin blonde, a daughter with two moms, a Pinterest lover with an eye. Her diverse community is a big plus but the draw is that you remember every crush feeling you ever had.
Joining #nationalcomingoutday on @bookriot with a post on why I'm reading GEORGE to my kids. I think a lot of people think kids should wait until they're older but I think it's time. The only problem is how I keep having to pretend I'm not crying while I read.
I need a palate cleanser for my life. Becky Albettalli it is! (Simon was one of my very favorites so I've been waiting for this!)
I wasn't expecting a horror novel from Kunzru but that is what I got and I couldn't be happier. Some will call it magical realism but there's enough creepy here to push it into genre territory while still feeling very "literary." A story about class, music, race, and appropriation, it would make a nice complement to THE BALLAD OF BLACK TOM.
My proposed order for a Tana French binge read. Up on @bookriot today!
Need to be lifted up after being disappointed. Whatchu got, Hari?
I usually love Zadie and this one started strong but dragged more and more. I never really connected to it the way I thought I would from the early chapters. Not loving a book you were crazy pumped about is so sad.
Packing up my books for my move in a few weeks. The mass market paperbacks tend to fill up the empty space at the top. It's a hodge-podge.