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Mister Lullaby
Mister Lullaby: A Novel | J. H. Markert
6 posts | 9 read | 6 to read
From J. H. Markert, the "clear heir to Stephen King" (Peter Farris), this horrifying novel brings our darkest dreams and nightmares to life. In the vein of T. Kingfisher and Christopher Golden, the boundary protecting our world from the monsters on the other side is weakeningand Mister Lullaby is about to break through. The small town of Harrods Reach has seen its fair share of the macabre, especially inside the decrepit old train tunnel around which the town was built. After a young boy, Sully Dupree, is injured in the abandoned tunnel and left in a coma, the townspeople are determined to wall it up. Deputy sheriff Beth Gardner is reluctant to buy into the superstitions until she finds two corpses at the tunnels entrance, each left with strange calling cards inscribed with old lullabies. Soon after, Sully Dupree briefly awakens from his coma. Before falling back into his slumber, Sully manages to give his older brother a message. Sully's mind, since the accident, has been imprisoned on the other side of the tunnel in Lalaland, a grotesque and unfamiliar world inhabited by evil mythical creatures of sleep. Sully is trapped there with hundreds of other coma patients, all desperately fighting to keep the evils of the dream world from escaping into the waking world. Elsewhere, a man troubled by his painful youth has for years been hearing a voice in his head he calls Mr. Lullaby, and he has finally started to act on what that voice is telling himto kill any coma patient he can find, quickly. Something is waking up in the tunnelsomething is trying to get through. And Mr. Lullaby is coming.
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Mister Lullaby: A Novel | J. H. Markert
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This was hard to follow at times as an audiobook. It skips around through a lot of characters and seems to go back and forth in time, which is hard to concentrate on while listening and working at the same time (which I‘m usually doing). The concept is quite scary, though….i mean, who wouldn‘t be terrified of nightmare creatures roaming around your town, killing people? Truly nightmare fuel! 🌟🌟🌟

Mister Lullaby: A Novel | J. H. Markert
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If you are a Stephen King fan and like stories that are absolutely out there then this is for you! Ending left more to be desired but I still really enjoyed the book and writing. Markert is not overly descriptive like King can be but you can still visualize the story and the crazy characters. Now I want to read Nightmare Man 😃

TheBookgeekFrau That cover is definitely giving Georgie vibes! 7mo
Bec_lectic @TheBookgeekFrau that is exactly what I thought!! This writer seems to be Kings spawn so not surprising with the cover choice. 7mo
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Mister Lullaby: A Novel | J. H. Markert
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Mister Lullaby: A Novel | J. H. Markert
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I hope there‘s a sequel!

IT can‘t be over!!

The town of Harrod‘s Reach has a boarded up train tunnel with an horrific past. A terror tunnel. A sleep problem. Coma issue. Monster export portal! Serial everything‘s! ♥️

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️3/4 👇🏻

Twainy What happens when the world of dreams is real & the nightmares want out?! There were some plot conveniences & I saw several twists coming but it was a well-written horror story that started you out with multiple possible threats.

I loved the characters, they were fleshed out for such a short book! Told in 2 timelines, past & present. The lullaby bus! ♥️ The narration was fantastic!

(edited) 8mo
Twainy Publication Date 11/21/23 (edited) 8mo
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Mister Lullaby: A Novel | J. H. Markert
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I will admit the beginning was confusing for me. We are following 2 separate timelines and although it was clear which timeline I was in, it wasn't clear what they had to do with each other. It wasn't until the halfway point that I began to see what was happening. Eventually both timelines converge and then the book was at its best. I loved the last 40-45% of the book. My main complaint is that the ending was too abrupt. I need more closure.

Mister Lullaby: A Novel | J. H. Markert
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Oh this book is creepy good! Small town folklore, comas, antlers, seers, Lalaland, earthquakes…what‘s not to like? Oh and The Lullaby Express, a bus painted red with a black door! Just don‘t read in the dark!😱🔪

Cathythoughts Book sounds good 👍🏻 14mo
paper.reveries So sad my ARC request got denied for this one 😩 Glad to know it's good!!! 14mo
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