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Joined October 2018

Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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I am not with the majority here, I know, but I‘m not here to say this is a bad book. It‘s just not a book for me. I did not know it was a cozy mystery until I started reading it and just couldn‘t get into it hence why I had to bail. Cozy mystery lovers will definitely enjoy this!

AnnCrystal 💕🐶💝. 6d
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 6d
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First Lie Wins: A Novel | Ashley Elston
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Unique plot with lots of clues to follow. You definitely have to pay attention to this one if you want to connect all the dots. So much going on in this story it‘s hard to sum it up so just go read it! ☺️

The Other Sister | Dianne Dixon
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Ali has everything while her twin Morgan resents her for everything she gets. It takes a life changing event for things to change between them. This book was so-so. I felt it was a little disconnected sometimes and I wasn‘t sure if it was going in a thriller direction or just a domestic family story. More domestic than thriller. Just ok for me…

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Low pick but still a decent quick read. Avery, a 9 year old girl goes missing and everyone‘s life is upended with secrets revealed, marriages broken and parents questioning their own children‘s motives. You never really know who your neighbors are….

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This a was big no for me. Being someone who can be introverted and say no to a lot of things, I was hopeful this would be an inspirational book & make me feel more inspired to say yes to what makes me uncomfortable. Instead this book revealed nothing to me. I don‘t feel like Shonda truly wrote about herself. She tried to come across as light & fluffy and to me just not authentic. This book was truly boring. I made it half way through then bailed.

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 3w
Bec_lectic @dabbe thanks for the perfect tag 😂😂😂 3w
dabbe @Bec_lectic 🤩😂🤗 3w
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Jen‘s stays up late one night waiting for her son to come home. As she‘s watching out the window she suddenly sees her son but wait there‘s someone else there. All of a sudden she sees her son pull out a knife and stab a man! How could this happen? Jen wakes up the next day but it‘s the day before the murder. Jen continues waking up earlier and earlier into the past until she can piece together why her son murdered this man.

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The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek | Kim Michele Richardson
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I thought this was a good historical fiction read. Its main character suffers from methemoglobinemia which is a hemoglobin disorder that makes your blood darker & less oxygenated therefore causing the skin to have a blue hue. I remember learning about this disorder in my hematology class so this aspect of the novel piqued my interest. Also learned about the Pack Horse Librarians who delivered books to people in remote areas of Appalachia.

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No One Can Know: A Novel | Kate Alice Marshall
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Three sister‘s parents were murdered one night, one sister was suspected, but never convicted. Years later, the suspected sister moves back to the childhood home where the crime was committed and pieces of that fateful evening start to connect from the shattered memories of all three sisters. This was a low pick for me. It was just kind of blah in plot and the ending somewhat confusing. 🫤

The Paris Apartment | Lucy Foley
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Jess‘s brother is missing and the place he was residing in seems full of secrets. Is someone in the building responsible? A cast of unlikeable characters, alternating time lines that were sometimes confusing, and just a lackluster storyline made this so so for me. The twist at the end though kind of redeemed the book! Just an OK read for me.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 1mo
Soubhiville I love a scruffy wiry terrier! 🩷 1mo
Bec_lectic @Soubhiville me too! That‘s why I have two of them ☺️ 1mo
AnnCrystal 💕🐕💝. 1mo
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I‘m sad this book has gotten so many bad reviews. I liked it. It was different and I liked how things all fit together in the end even though it didn‘t always make sense while reading it. It wasn‘t the best flowing story and left a lot open to interpretation but to me it was unique and still enjoyable without being perfect.

Itchyfeetreader Love to hear a different perspective thank you. A reminder that there are few bad books just books that are not for us at all particular moment 1mo
Bec_lectic @Itchyfeetreader totally agree with books that are not meant for certain times! I almost didn‘t like this book but once all the puzzle pieces started coming together I thought it was quite clever. 1mo
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This book takes you on a wild ride that takes on a documentary/podcast format for part of it. Alix meets her birthday twin out one night never knowing what domino effect this sets off into one crazy story as she interviews her twin about her life for a podcast! I finished this in 2 days and just had to see how it ended. Great story but the ending was a bit lackluster. Still a high pick though!

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The Wife Between Us | Sarah Pekkanen, Greer Hendricks
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Twisty for sure but at some points I was wondering what timeline the characters were in. It jumps back and forth here and there so it was little confusing as I wasn‘t consistently reading it everyday. I don‘t want to get into too much detail and ruin the story but this was a decent story that kept me engaged and the end twist I did not see coming.

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Creepy apartment building, creepy neighbors, creepy doorman and all kinds of strange things happening after Chad and Rosie move into their newly inherited New York City apartment. Lots of bad things happen after their arrival and it‘s up to Rosie to figure out why there are so many deaths surrounding them! Good supernatural story that‘s not over the top 😊

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I loved escaping into the world of the Rockettes with the MC Marion! Set in a time where women were expected to stay home and keep house, Marion sets out to achieve her dreams of dancing and auditions for the Rockettes against the wishes of her father. Once she becomes a Rockette her life changes in ways she would never expect. Part exciting, part bittersweet, I really enjoyed this story and will def look for more work by this author.

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Mark and Louise‘s parents suddenly die and what‘s left behind is the epitomy of horror stories..puppets….lots of puppets and dolls. Once Louise returns home to help sell the house, strange things start to happen! This book was weird at points and one part I completely skimmed. This book was low pick for me. It was more about family dynamics with a little bit of horror thrown in that just didn‘t reel me in as I was hoping.

KadaGul Your Dog 🐕 isn't Digging this book 📚. #PetsLife 2mo
AnnCrystal 💕🐕💝. 2mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
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Bec_lectic @KadaGul haha I‘m thinking she‘s not! 2mo
Bec_lectic @dabbe ☺️☺️ 2mo
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Miranda does not disappoint again! Mirror Lake is experiencing an extreme drought that is drying up the lake and uncovering buried secrets as well. I liked how this story just dropped pieces for you to figure out and once you thought you did you realize you were wrong! Good twisty read 🙂

The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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I definitely have a new respect for Britney. I‘ve never been a big fan but obviously been aware of everything that has ensued in her life whether it was good or bad. I liked that this book gave her a voice and a platform to really talk about what was happening in her life. I couldn‘t imagine growing up and having a family treat you like hers did. Just disgusting! I hope she heals from all this and finds happiness. Good quick read!

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This was a very low pick for me. I was not expecting a cozy mystery and ultimately that‘s what threw me off. The plot was good but the character interactions were just cheesy to me and the ending oozed cheese as well. I‘m just not a cozy mystery fan I guess. In all the story was ok and will potentially become a series but for me I‘ll be one and done!

KathyWheeler I‘ve considering reading this. I like cozy mysteries and can handle cheesy endings. What I really need to know to make my decision is if the main character is deeply stupid. I can‘t abide that at all. (edited) 2mo
julesG @KathyWheeler No, the MC is not stupid. Not a genius either, but definitely not bumbling about and solving the murder out of sheer luck. 2mo
KathyWheeler @julesG Thanks. I particularly hate the MCs who go confront suspected murderers by themselves without even telling anyone where they‘re going. 2mo
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KathyWheeler @julesG Thanks for the heads up! 2mo
Bec_lectic @KathyWheeler definitely agree that the main character is not stupid. Which is a good thing if they potentially make this a series. It just wasn‘t my cup of tea. I think I was expecting something darker and got fluffy lol 2mo
KathyWheeler @Bec_lectic it really doesn‘t seem like it would be fluffy. Sometimes I‘m in the mood for that; sometimes I‘m not. 2mo
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The Covenant of Water | Abraham Verghese
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Wow what a big story! I feel like I‘ve been immersed in this story for months even though I finished it in days. Spanning generations this book connects people and families through life and tragedies and ends with a beautiful surprise. It‘s a long book, I‘m not going to lie. I almost gave up a few times when things would lull but then something would happen that would reel you back in. It was worth sticking it out…beautiful story!

WorldsOkayestStepMom I'm currently reading this one!! It's so good! I'm almost 90% of the way through. 3mo
Bec_lectic @WorldsOkayestStepMom you‘re almost there!! I really loved the ending ☺️ 3mo
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Welcome to the world of Eleanor Oliphant where everything is fine! But it‘s not….What a quirky character Eleanor is. She has no friends, has had only one relationship and is laughed at by her coworkers. An unfortunate incident brings her and a coworker Raymond together where we begin to see the layers of Eleanor peeled away and a healing journey begins. Sad, funny, hopeful and quirky read. 😊

CatLass007 I loved this book! 3mo
Cathythoughts ❤️ 3mo
Bec_lectic @CatLass007 agreed! And I heard they are making a movie from it 🙂 3mo
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Bec_lectic @Cathythoughts ☺️☺️ 3mo
CatLass007 I hope the author makes good money from the movie. I probably won‘t watch it because, in all likelihood, it will be a disappointment. I don‘t want to be pessimistic but an adaptation almost never holds up when compared to the source material. 3mo
Bec_lectic @CatLass007 I agree! Movies always ruin the book. 2mo
CatLass007 About 99% of the time. The only exceptions that come to mind are The Princess Bride and Tales of the City. Wonderful books, wonderful movies! The movies are not better than the books but they definitely are at the same level of quality. 2mo
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Demon Copperhead: A Novel | Barbara Kingsolver
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A lot of meat and potatoes in this story to digest but still a good read. It reminded me in a sense of the Goldfinch with the coming of age story of a boy where you get to voyeuristically follow their life through hell and back. Just a warning, it‘s a long book but definitely a story that will stick with me for a bit.

Greenlights | Matthew McConaughey
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This book was a treat! I am no huge McConaughy fan but I‘ve always enjoyed his acting. This book was recommended to me by a coworker and I am so glad she did. I probably never would have read it. The stories in this book are classic. It makes me wonder if the current generation will ever have stories to tell like this that are just truly entertaining and flat out crazy. Good writing and very philosophical. A great read!

She Started It | Sian Gilbert
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I was really on the fence with pick or so-so. I went with so-so because these characters were all horrible, I sometimes lost who I was following at points and just felt parts dragged. Four women are invited to a hen party on a remote island by a girl they bullied and haven‘t talked to in over ten years. Will all make up or will revenge be had? In all an ok read as long as you can handle CATTY women haha!

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Yellow Wife: A Novel | Sadeqa Johnson
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After reading the House of Eve, I jumped when I saw this book available as well. Another good story by Johnson although I felt like it ended abruptly. Everything was tied up in the epilogue but I wasn‘t expecting the epilogue to come when it did. It still does not detract from the story though and definitely recommend!

The Beekeeper of Aleppo | Christy Lefteri
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This is a story of Syrian refugees Nuri and Afra and their journey to find asylum in the UK. It was well written but the format of the dual timeline threw me off at times of what time frame I was in. Usually that doesn‘t affect me but honestly the story was just not keeping my interest and I started skimming just to get through. There was nothing in the story that made me want to read more to see how it ends. Just blah for me 😕

The House of Eve | Sadeqa Johnson
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I finished this book in two days. I instantly was immersed in Ruby and Eleanor‘s lives and couldn‘t wait to find out how it all ended. This book dives into the history of black women in the late 1940s with a story that instantly reels you in as both girls fall in love with boys they are not good enough for. It‘s a heartbreaking story that I will remember for a long time.

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Diamond Eye | Kate Quinn
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What an inspiring story of a strong woman that defies the perception of women‘s roles in wartime. I love that Quinn writes about strong women most of us have never heard of. Although a bit slow in parts as it‘s heavily based on Milas experience on the front lines, the ending more than makes up for the areas in the book that lack excitement. Love that Quinn tried to follow reality as much as possible and sprinkled in her own touch here and there.

julieclair I loved this book! 4mo
Bec_lectic @julieclair if you haven‘t read the Huntress by the same author I definitely recommend that one as well! It‘s even better! 4mo
julieclair Ooohhh… I haven‘t! Thanks for the recommendation! 🙂 4mo
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A low pick but nonetheless an easy read. This book is what I call an escapist novel where you can barely be conscious reading it and it all still makes sense and it gets you away from the doldrums of the day.

His and Hers | Alice Feeney
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I loved this book! Hooked me right away with the dual perspective of His and Hers. It kind of reminded me of Samantha Downings My Lovely Wife with the pace and way it was written. Lots of twists and overall just a wild ride. If you are looking for a good thriller this is it 💚💚💚

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The Kitchen House: A Novel | Kathleen Grissom
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Wow, this was a tough read. Parts of this book stuck with me after putting it down some nights. I even dreamed of one of the characters which I‘ve never done. If you are a triggered by rape, abuse this may not be a book for you but it portrays a story that is so complex in the emotions it stirs that I felt it‘s a great read. It delves into a dark part of American history that we must never forget or let ever be repeated!

AnnCrystal 💕🐕💝. 4mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
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The Last to Vanish | Megan Miranda
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Loved the setting, plot was good, but the story just failed to really capture me. It was so slow to pick up that when the turning point happened I was just ready to be done with it. Not her best 😕

The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter | Carson McCullers
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This is a classic book I‘ve never heard of and I don‘t know why because it was great! This is a story of 4 misfits who all gravitate towards a deaf guy using him to fulfill something for themselves. There‘s so much meat to this story with all the characters interwoven with their own stories. It‘s a great historical representation of life in the 1930‘s. The author was wise beyond her years. Definitely a recommended read!

Soscha I cried buckets 5mo
Bec_lectic @Soscha yep definitely needed a tissue 🥺 4mo
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Mr. Nobody | Catherine Steadman
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Trying to hide from the past, Dr., Emma Lewis is called back to her hometown where a man is found on the beach with no recollection of who he is. The excitement of a potential fugue patient draws Emma in even with the risks of her past being dug back up. Emma‘s first meeting with her new patient reveals that although he has no clue who he is, he certainly knows her name and who she is.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
Bec_lectic @dabbe my best reading partner 😍 4mo
dabbe @Bec_lectic 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
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Only Survivors | Megan Miranda
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A decade ago a tragedy creates a connection between 9 individuals whose bus crashes in the remote Tennessee wilderness. From that point on the group continues to meet yearly, even as their group dwindles down as 2 of the survivors commit suicide. For what reasons do they continue to meet and what secrets are being withheld of what really happened that fateful night? Not Miranda‘s best but still a decent read ☺️

Jjaxn95 I‘m really into survivor tales at the moment…. Watched Yellowjackets on Paramount+, then Society of the Snow, and now starting Lost - all within the past 2 weeks. Guess I‘ll carry this new fixation over to my reading habits as well! 5mo
Bec_lectic @Jjaxn95 well this will be perfect for you then as well!! ☺️ 5mo
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Silence for the Dead | Simone St. James
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St. James knows how to write a good ghost story without being cheesy or over the top. This a is a good atmospheric story set in a creepy house turned mental hospital that was left abandoned by a family that was never heard or seen from again. Something bad happened in that house and something residual is still there that no one can explain.

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The Villa: A Novel | Rachel Hawkins
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I‘m kind of dumbfounded on this book. It started out pretty good but just kind of sputtered at the end for me. The pivotal points were lackluster and details of the story just never filled. The ending was just kind of weird and left me kinda asking WTF just happened? I get it but I don‘t get it so moving on to another book…lol

Daisy Darker | Alice Feeney
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Something became apparent to me early on in this book and then just bothered me the rest of the time. This book is definitely on the darker side but really just lost its spark for me half way through. I think I need a break from stories with groups of people trapped in houses because the whole story I was just bored. 😑

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I waited so long to read this and finally got the opportunity! A good story with some good characters. It‘s an anthem to all strong woman out there trying to pave their way in the world. I loved the science aspect of it as I work in a lab as well. The author dabbled a little bit about chemistry but not so much as to off put readers without an interest in Chemistry. Overall, just a good story. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I kinda left this book on the back burner as my Libby app kept assaulting me with holds that I thought were weeks away and then they all come at once. Isabelle Drakes son Mason is missing and a year later she meets up with a podcaster to help potentially solve the case. Unreliable narrator, crappy husband, creepy neighbors, a haunted past. Who is really responsible for Mason going missing?

The Children on the Hill | Jennifer McMahon
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This was a pretty good unique story. Did it have an earth shattering ending..no but I still liked it. It had an ending I wasn‘t expecting but still made sense and left me satisfied. Told from different time lines, I really enjoyed the monster hunting aspect of the story line. I loved the movie Monster Squad as a kid. What kid didn‘t want their own monster club?!?

Homecoming | Kate Morton
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A good but long story. This is my second book by Morton and although not a good as the Clock Makers Daughter, it‘s still an atmospheric story that is intricately weaved between all the characters. I feel it could have been a bit shorter but I love how Morton ties up all the loose ends. Overall just a unique and good story!

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Lana‘s sister is murdered and Lana‘s testimony that she saw her sisters boyfriend on their property shortly before the murder puts him in jail. Almost 20 years later after the death of her grandmother, Lana returns home and starts to uncover things that makes her question if the real killer is behind bars. Good twisty story that keeps you hooked!

Home Before Dark | Riley Sager
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Good creepy thriller with a twist! The Holt family flees their estate in the middle of the night and little Maggie doesn‘t remember a thing. 25 years later after the death of her father, Maggie inherits the infamous haunted house made famous by a book her father wrote detailing their escape. Maggie sets out to figure out what really happened the night they fled and was everything her father wrote a lie or is the house truly haunted?

SheilaChew Great review! I enjoyed this book but it was very creepy. 6mo
Bec_lectic @SheilaChew Definitely creepy which I loved! ☺️ 6mo
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Between Sisters | Kristin Hannah
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Another tear jerker from Hannah..the typical come together in times of tragedy novel but this was a good book break from reading about murders or crazy people. Wholesome story that makes you smile and cry.

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I read Dionne‘s Wicked Sister and absolutely love that book but this one just didn‘t do it for me. It‘s an ok story but it never really captured me with the plot. It‘s almost painful to read how horribly Helena and her mother are treated by her narcissistic father. Just kinda blah for me….

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I read this one in two days. Definitely has a twist at every corner and just when you think youve figured it out another bombshell is dropped. So much happens in this one it takes your mind a minute to wrap your head around everything. Definitely a good one!

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Lifespan: Why We Ageand Why We Don't Have To | Matthew D. LaPlante, David A. Sinclair
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Does aging have to be a point in our life where everything starts to go downhill and our bodies start to fail us with pain, disease and exhaustion? Not necessarily..this book is definitely an interesting topic of research that is finally getting some recognition. Aging has just been accepted or just a part of life by everyone but Sinclair is researching ways to age less aggressively and perhaps prolong longevity by treating it like a disease. 👍🏼

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Not a super twisty thriller but a good engaging story nonetheless. Olivia and Park suffer from infertility but as their struggles deepen their world is overturned. A dead body is found in a lake with DNA evidence that indicates Park has a son. This wild story delves into the ethics of sperm donation and mental instability that feeds you all clues to put the puzzle together but still leaves the reader with one twist at the end. Good read!

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The Other Woman | Sandie Jones
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This one sucked me in right away...I kept reading because I had to see what Pammie did next. Pammie is every girl‘s nightmare when meeting your boyfriend‘s mother. Her actions and terror go unnoticed by her beloved son and Emily can‘t understand why Adam does not see her for what she really is! The book ends with a decent twist but kind of ends abruptly. Still a good paced story that‘s keeps you wanting more.

Soulmate | Sally Hepworth
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I really enjoyed this book. A quick page turner that had some good twists and took me away from my bad day at work. Pippa and Gabe own a home near a popular suicide spot where Gabe is always the hero talking people off the ledge until one unfortunate night. Pippas husband runs to the rescue of another poor soul but this time he does not save her and Pippa‘s unsure if she didn‘t just witness her husband pushing the woman off the ledge.

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