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Divinity 36: Tinkered Starsong Book 1
Divinity 36: Tinkered Starsong Book 1 | Gail Carriger
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The aliens are coming for us and they want our voices.New York Times bestselling author Gail Carriger brings you a gloriously warm and unique scifi about the power of art, celebrity, and found family.Phex is a barista on a forgotten moon. Which is fine - he likes being ignored and he's good at making drinks. Until one day an alien hears him singing and recruits him to become a god. Now Phex is thrust headfirst into the galaxy's most cutthroat entertainment industry, where music is visible, the price of fame can kill, and the only friends he has want to be worshiped.Welcome to the divinity. Where there is no difference between celebrity and religion, love and belief, acolyte and alien. Where the right kind of obsession can drive a person crazy or turn them divine."A tapestry that is simultaneously witty, charming, exhilarating and downright fun." fantasyliterature.com (Soulless)Becky Chambers meets The Voice in the first of the Tinkered Starsong trilogy in which the mysterious Dyesi are trying to take over the universe, but they're doing it so beautifully we might just let them.
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I picked Divinity 36 for my Books and Brews Book Club read. Need Discussion Questions. Also a Would You Rather Question. Suggestions???

catsuit_mango Would you rather be a fantastic singer but risk hurting people or a dancer that can not enjoy the music fully ? 1mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig @catsuit_mango that's a good one! Definitely using. Thank you! 1mo
catsuit_mango @Crinoline_Laphroaig you are welcome, enjoy discussing a great book (and remind your book club that it s a série ;) ) 1mo
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I kept forgetting that this was the first in the series and that the next doesn‘t come out for a few months. Miss Gail is the queen of protagonists who find themselves unlikeable, but are really rather sweet. This is not a particularly deep story but it‘s nice and has been good company. (Pictured is my very confused fuzzy cat. The neighbors keep firing off illegal fireworks and she just wants to sleep.) #pop23 #bookthatwasselfpublished

Ruthiella Poor kitty. Fireworks terrify my dog and cat. 13mo
MissHel @Ruthiella it‘s awful! The poor babies! I thought someone in the neighborhood had a cannon and was randomly firing it throughout the day. 13mo
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It‘s taken me a while to get invested in the story, but I‘m so close to the end now that I need to finish it.

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It took me a minute to wrap my head around this world Ms. Gail has built. Having read her Crudrat book did give me some insight into main character Phex early on. But I wouldn't say it's necessary to read that first, as this is Book 1 in new Tinkered Starsong Trilogy.

Cozy Sci-fi with found family and I just loved it. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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This is so me "one couldn‘t live off of silky pajamas. Although one might be tempted to live in them."?


Purpleness Love that shade of purple! 13mo
AmyG One could live in silk pajamas….absolutely. My old age goal is…..caftans. I want to live in long, silky house gowns. Like fancy nightgowns…all day long. 🙌🏻 13mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig @AmyG I love a caftan! 13mo
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New Gail Carriger book starting a new series. found family, food and of course hot drinks

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I have the day off! I‘m celebrating by starting the newest Gail Carriger and a coffee. (I know it should be tea, but needs must.)