This was such a fun book! Thanks to whomever posted about it here, because I never would‘ve picked it up otherwise. And, it got me a #bingo to start the year! #bookspinbingo
This was such a fun book! Thanks to whomever posted about it here, because I never would‘ve picked it up otherwise. And, it got me a #bingo to start the year! #bookspinbingo
What a fun book to start off my reading year! At the grand opening of a new all inclusive resort in the Bahamas, Dan and Mara are horrified when the sun explodes. Not what they expected on their vacation!
There were some twists I definitely didn‘t expect, and it‘s been quite a while since I‘ve read most of a book in one day. It was a good way to pass a cold winter day.
A quick and super fun read about an apocalyptic event and people being people in it. Scathing social commentary. As the situation was getting more and more absurd, I couldn‘t help thinking “yep, that‘s EXACTLY how it would go down”. Reflection on personal choices. Solid book, and I would watch a movie if there is ever one.
Oh, and for those of you who do an alphabet challenge, here is that coveted title with letter Z!
Halfway through and I‘m getting Lost vibes. So good! Praying it doesn‘t fizzle out in the end. 🙏🏻
Dan is thrilled to be taking his gf Mara to the grand opening of an exclusive Bahamian resort on a private island. But wouldn‘t you know it, the day after they arrive, the sun explodes. This book manages to be a great social commentary about class structure while also being hilarious. I‘m so glad I heard about this on a podcast, because I otherwise would have ignored it because of the cover and I loved it.
This book had me giggling like an idiot. The concept was so intriguing. I‘ve read books & watched movies about the world ending before but never where the sun explodes. Before I even started reading I was racking my brain trying to figure out how this was going to play out. I had zero complaints & I 𝒟𝑜 recommend this book. Five ⭐️ all around. It‘s not all comedy either. It‘ll tug at your heart strings. There‘s a good balance of seriousness too.